💗Wings (Sabriel)

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3rd pov.
"Hey Gabe, how come I never see your wings? According to Dean he can see Cas's almost all of the time." Sam asked one day while it was just the two of them in the Bunker.

"Well they are like an angle's way of blushing in certain situations. You haven't seen my wings because I havent blushe-" Gabe was cut off by Sam kissing him.

All of a sudden there was a bright flash of light and Gabe's golden wings flew out.

"You where saying?" Sam smirked and then atarted to look at Gabe's wings properly.

"Not fair." Gabe mumbled and then took a bite of his chocolate.

"Your wings are beautiful, may I touch them? They look soft." Sam asked cautiously.

"Sure but let me sit down first." Gabe sighed, getting your wings touched was like having the BEST back massage ever. It also made some angle's legs colaps from the amazing feeling, hints why he needed to sit down first.

"Alright." Sam said as he and Gabe moved over to the living room couch. He had read up about angle wings and so he knew a lot about them. He also knew where most of their sweet spots would be.

Once Gabe sat down and expanded his wings Sam started to massage a sirloin patch of wing near his back.

Gabe's eyes widened and he layed down so his stomach was on the couch and his back was facing Sam. "Oh my dad Sam, where the Hell did you learn this?" Gabe asked absolutely loving every second.

"I read about it in a book." Sam explained while continuing to massage his extremely soft feathers.

After about an hour of this Gabe had fallen asleep and Sam had stopped. Instead he picked Gabe up bridal style and carried him off to bed.

Once he layed Gabe down and started to walk away, but before he could Gabe grabbed his hand.

"Yes?" Sam asked and chuckled slightly when he saw Gabe's wings ruffle signifying that he was blushing.

"Could you stay?" Gabe asked while looking at their hands. You see, angle's don't normaly sleep but when they do they are very cuddly.

"Of course." Sam smiled as he got in bed next to Gabe. Gabe then cuddled up to Sam and then fell back asleep.

After a few minutes of getting comfortable Sam fell asleep too.

Let's just say that it was only a slight shock to Dean and Cas when they walked in and saw them like that.

439 Words!

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