💗Kitten~ (Kurooken)

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Neko!Kenma au
⚠️- Cussing, talk of sex trafficking (but nothing happens), jealous Kuroo

Kozume Kenma was one of the only surviving male, submissive, nekos in the world.

Because of this, he was almost always in danger because of his worth in money. Also because he was a submissive Neko, during his heat he could get pregnant if they didn't use protection.

He was currently being kept at an adoption center for rare creatures, all of them cost so much money that they had been their all of their lives and had only see two of them leave the home.

"Kenma, please report to the main office." A voice over the intercom said startling the boy.

He was currently playing a game with his best (and only) friend Shoyo who was a Angle Veela hybrid.

Hinata looked at Kenma confused.

"I'll see you in a minute." Kenma reasured as he got up and walked towards the main office as instructed.

Once he got there he saw a tall man with spikey black hair, a red suit, and a silver watch on his wrist along with with the normal lady that stayed here.

"Yes Mrs?" Kenma asked as he walked over to her, trying his best to stay away from the man.

"This is Kuroo Testrou and he is here to take you home with him." The lady said sweetly making Kenma's eyes widen.

"W-what?" He stuttered in disbelief.

"Yep, he has already filled out all of the paperwork and everything. You are quite lucky for getting picked." She said sweetly as Kemna stood there frozen.

"Now dear, go and pack your things and tell your friends goodbye." She said snapping him out of his daze.

"Y-yes ma'am." He said before bowing and starting to walk out of the room.

He was stopped by the man gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"May I talk to you first? Please?" He asked as Kenma looked up at him.

He nodded mutely before he and Kenma walked out of the room and into a smaller room that was used just for this purpose.

"My name as you know is Kuroo Testrou but you can just call me Kuroo. The nice lady up there told me your name is Kozume Kenma, is that correct?" Kuroo asked making Kenma nod once again.

"So you want to go by Kozume correct?" Kuroo asked wanting to make sure he used the correct name.

Kenma shook his head no hesitantly as he took a small step back from Kuroo.

"What do you want me to call you then?" Kuroo asked politely. He actually seemed to be quite nice.

"Kenma." Kenma muttered as his eyes watched every move of how Kuroo would react.

"What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear you." Kuroo asked looking as if he actually didn't hear Kenma and wasn't just trying to be a dick.

"Kenma." Kenma replied a little louder this time.

"Oh okay. Well we can talk more in the car, it is about a thirty minute drive." Kuroo said having heard what Kenma had said that time.

Kenma nodded before standing by the door, waiting for Kuroo to tell him it was okay to leave and pack his things.

Kuroo looked at Kenma confused before realizing. "Oh! You can go and pack your things, tell your friends bye too. Oh and rember to get their numbers so you can stay in contact." He said making Kenma nod and leave the room.

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