💔/💗Mask (Kiribaku)

89 1 2

⚠️Cussing, crying, unhealthy reaction to crying, negative self thoughts, abusive parent, f slur, getting disowned⚠️

It was late in the afternoon, classes were over for the day and everyone was chilling around in the lounge area.

They were split up into the Baku-squad and the Deku-squad, each group in a different area of the lounge.

Everything was going fine until Kirishima got a message off of his phone.

His phone sounded off with a loud 'ping' telling everyone that he got a message.

"Sorry about that guys, I ment to turn the notification sound off." Kirishima appoligised with an embarrassed blush as everyone stopped talking and looked over at him.

"No problem dude." Sero shrugged, the others nodding before going back to their conversations.

Currently Mina, Sero, and Denki were all sitting on one couch talking about what would happen if aliens invaded UA and who would defeat them the quickest while Bakugou and Kirishima sat on the other couch; Bakugou ranting about stupid Deku as Kirishima listened with intent.

Bakugou paused his ranting so Kirishima could read the message before seeing tears begin to swell into his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong? Who sent you that message? Do I need to go and explode someone because you know I will and I'll do it with a smile too." Bakugou asked as he placed a gentle hand onto Kirishima's shoulder, moving so Kirishima's face was blocked from the others in the group.

"Nothings wrong, it was a spam message. Nothing to worry about Baku-bro!" Kirishima replied quickly as he plastered a fake smile onto his face.

"Don't lie to be Kiri, let me see your phone." Bakugou stated, his voice demanding yet gentle at the same time.

"Its really nothing Bakugou, I'm fine." Kirishima replied as he attempted to keep his tears at bay.

Sadly, even through his attempts, a few tears slipped through.

Panic flew through his eyes as his smile grew more, "Don't let them see you weak and crying. Your not manly and your just a crybaby if you cry you sick fuck." Kirishima's thoughts yelled at him as he quickly wiped the tears away with the back of his hands.

Bakugou looked at the crying redhead before grabbing his arm and pulling him up.

"Kirishima and I are going upstairs, don't bother us." He stated quickly to the others as he began to dragg Kirishima towards the elevator.

"Use protection!" Denki yelled after them getting laughs from the others, none of them realizing that Kirishima was crying, seemingly on the verge of an attack of some kind.

Mina was slightly concerned when Bakugou nor Kirishima replied to them with a snarky reply and at the fact that Bakugou called Kirishima by his actual name but brushed it off for now and went back to their orignal conversation.

***Focusing on Bakugou & Kirishima***

The two reached the elevator and Bakugou pressed the up button.

"Bak-" Kirishima was cut off by the doors opening, allowing them both inside.

"Bakugou-." Kirishima attempted again, this time Bakugou was the one to cut him off.

"Tell me what's wrong, please. Your smile is super forced and your crying, something is clearly wrong so don't you dare tell me it's nothing." Bakugou said as he pressed his floor number before moving to face the redhead.

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