💗Do This! (Destel)

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Photos referenced in the oneshot^Updated- 8-30-20 *Sabrial & Destiel*

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Photos referenced in the oneshot^
Updated- 8-30-20 *Sabrial & Destiel*

3rd pov.
"Hey Dean! Cas! Can we do this thing where we have to give each other a photo and the other has to copy it?" Sam asked after he and Gabe both came crashing into the living room of the bunker. "Sure?" Dean said, confused as to why they where so happy about this.

"What about you Cassie?" Gabe asked with puppy dog eyes. "I dont see why I shouldn't agree." Castial said with a small head tilt.

"Yay! Ok so Samoose and I will pick out a photo you two will have to copy while you two pick out a photo for us two to copy ok?" Gabe excliamed as Sam pulled up his phone.

"Sounds fair." Cas stated and Dean nodded in agreement.

*Five minutes of scrolling through Pintrest to find the perfect photos later*

"Alright, Samantha and I are ready!" Gabe said with a smirk. "Same for Cas and I." Dean replied with a smirk as well.

"May the best couple win." Sam said and then showed them their photo.

"Agreed." Destiel said together and showed Sabrial what they had to recreate.

Sam and Gabe moved outside because it went with their photo best while Dean and Cas moved to the library.

Charlie was going to take the photo for Sabrial while Kevin was taking the photo for Destiel.

*Five minutes later...*

Everyone was now in the living room, waiting for the photos to print so they could have Bobby, Crowly, and Judy all judge who did the better job.

Once the papers had printed Charlie excitedly put them in front of the judges.

"Aww, yall are so cute together." Jody said with a smile.

"Giraffe and Squirrel's photo looks more like the orignal one." Crowly stated after looking over the photos.

"Well they had humans to go off of. But I have to agree." Bobby stated, trying to give Sam and Gabe some slack.

"I have a question, how do your wings show up on camera but not when we look at you?" Kevin asked curiously.

"Well we could let you guys see them now but they are supposed to be saved for your significant others eyes only. The reason why you can see them in the photo is because we are with our significant other and there is some chemical with the camera that lets you see them." Cas stated making everyone but Gabe and Sam nodd in understanding. (Gabe had already told Sam.)

"So who is the winner?" Dean asked, his competitive side showing.

"My vote goes to team Destiel." Crowly stated while waving his hand and making a small trophy that said "Best recreation photo couple" on it laying on the table.

"Sorry Sam, Gabe but my vote goes to them too." Bobby stated and then Crowly pecked his cheek making him blush.

"Well I dont have a say then, congratulations Destiel, you have won!" Jody said with a smile and then got up and hugged all of her "adopted" kids who happily hugged back.

"Alright everyone, how about we all watch some Harry Potter before we go to sleep?" Charlie asked while flopping ever so gracefully onto the couch.

"Sounds great!" Sam and Kevin chimed in (You know that whenever they had the time they would read Harry Potter).

So everyone sat down on the couch and cuddled up to their significant other. (Charlie, Kevin and Jody all family cuddled together as well.) They ended up watching two movies before all falling asleep.

591 Words!

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