❤️‍🔥Vibrator (OC)

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Characters- From my book "...Didn't know where else to go..." *long title I know* (bl)

Background info- Mandex is a villain and Tarian is a hero but T came to Dex's house because some stuff happened. Dex healed him and now keeps him as his puppet (per say). Tarian becomes lovesick for Dex and Dex falls for him. They are already together in this though this is not yet in the book because I am still writing it so this is a sneak peek of what they will deal with eventually!

Kinks & toys- Praise, hair pulling, vibrator, butt plug, over stimulation, pain

Type- Handjob, rough blowjob, vibrator fucking, & normal sex


"Love! Come here for me!" Mandex yelled from his room. He decided that today he was going to have some fun with his lovesick boyfriend.

"Yes Dex?" Tarian asked as he walked into the room in just a towel having just gotten out of the shower.

"I need to go shopping and I want you to come with me." Dex started off getting a nod back.

Just as Tarian started to leave the room Dex continued. "And I want you to wear this...." He said while pulling a pair of grey sweatpants, a t-shirt, and some boxers out from behind his back.

"Okay?" Tarian said as he took the clothes from Dex before trying to leave only to be stopped once again.

"And I want you to use this too." He finished as he pulled out a seven inch vibrator from behind his back with the other hand.

"What? Why? Aren't we going to be in public?" Tarian asked, his eyes widening at the sight of the vibrator.

"Yes we are going to be in public but I want you to wear it. I will be nice while we are in the stores. Promise." Dex said as he handed it to T who looked weary.

"Do I have to?" He asked even though on the inside he fine with this. He and Dex have had sex before but they haven't ever used toys before so this was kind of exciting for him.

"No you don't have to but it would make me happy." Dex replied as he kissed Tarian's head, him being the taller of the two.

"Fine. I'll be back in a minute." Tarian agreed with a sigh before going back into the bathroom to change.

"Love you!" Dex said with a smile getting a muffled "Love you too." back through the doors.

About five minutes later Tarian came out of the bathroom wearing the clothes Dex had given him and had the vibrator inside of his ass like instructed.

Dex grabbed the small remote and turned the vibrator up to three so he could see if Tarian had actually put it in or not.

Tarian moaned aloud at the sudden vibrations as he stumbled forward having previously been walking.

"Good boy." Dex cooed before adding, "Now there are some rules, for every time you cum in your pants inside of a store is another level up the vibrator will go. It only goes up to ten so each one will have quite a bit of an effect on you. If you need to cum then tell me so we can go to a bathroom or just try and hold off if I'm busy talking to someone. Stay with me at all times and don't wander off. Don't touch yourself at all, I will take care of you. We won't be out long and if you only cum twice or less then I will give you a reward when we come back here. Got all that?"

"Yeah I got it all." Tarian said as he slowly adjusted to the felling of level three.

"Good boy." Dex said as he pulled T into a kiss. His hands started on Tarian's waist but one of them moved down to Tarian's bum. He pushed the vibrator deeper inside of T making him moan into the kiss.

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