❤️‍🔥Needy~ (OC)

337 2 0

From- Nothing yet

Type- Clit stimulation, grinding, public, vinrator, gentle

Kinks & toys- public, grinding, praise, overstimulation, clit vibrator

This one is kind of weird/cringy tbh, at least to me lol

⚠️Public, cussing, cheating on s/o, long af oneshot⚠️
"Have fun honey, try to make some new friends!" Cloey's mother yelled from the car window before driving off, leaving her at this summer camp.

"I'm seventeen, why am I still going to one of these stupid things? I could be staying with Ray instead of this." Cloey asked herself as she walked to the sign-in area. Ray was her boyfriend of five months.

She signed herself in before getting her camp room number and the same of who she would be sharing the room with.

"Alrighty your room number is room 69 on level two and your going to be sharing the room with a your age named Rowin." One of the camp councilors said with an overly cheery smile.

"Thanks." Cloey replied with a nod before leaving for the building.

Unlike most summer camps, this one was more like a darecare for kids and teens when their parents need a two week break from them.

So instead of having normal cabins that were four to a cabin, they had two large buildings, each three storys high. They were both air-conditioned, had running water, and a heating system.

It was quite luxurious really, that's why it cost so much to go there.

Anyway, back to the story.

Once Cloey reached the building she left for her room and opened the door with her key only to find the room empty.

"Guess I'm the first one here." She mumbled to herself before she began to unpack all of her things into the dresser they provide in the room.

Every room had two small dressers, two twin sized beds, one nightstand, and a half bathroom.

Once she was done unpacking she left the room and headed to where they hold meetings or say announcements, seeing as a lot of other people were already there.

"Okay and that's all of the rules for the camp, one last thing is that anyone over the age of fifteen, so sixteen and up have a curfew of eleven whereas fifteen and younger have a curfew of nine thirty. Now I hope you all have an amazing camping experience!" The lady said getting cheers from everyone before they were all left to go and do whatever they wanted as long as it stayed inside of the rules.

"Um excuse me, I missed almost all of that. Can you tell me whats happening please?" Cloey asked a girl that looked to be around her age.

"Oh sure, bacily to sum everything up is that we all can do whatever we want as long as we stay on the camp ground and don't fight one another. Then there is breakfast from seven to eight in the morning, lunch is from twelve to one thirty and then dinner is from five to seven. There are spsfic times we do cirtan things on some days, so on Wednesday we go to the lake and other stuff like that. Oh and anyone sixteen and older can stay out until eleven." The girl said with a calm voice, she looked like she was just floating through life and Cloey kind of wondered if she was high or not.

"Okay, thank you for telling me." Cloey smiled getting a smile back.

"Of course, now what's your name?" The girl asked as they both walked out of the crowded room towards the forest.

"Oh sorry, I'm Cloey." Cloey answered, blushing in embarrassment at being impolite.

"Your okay, I love your name. I'm Joan." The girl, now known as Joan replied.

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