💗/❤️‍🔥YouTuber (Kiribaku)

626 5 0

Date- 4-4-22
Thank you KbaeStar for the requests!
⚠️Cussing, suggestive stuff⚠️ (Non-heros/villain au) Top-Bakugou
Bottom-Kirishima (slight yander Bakugou)

Kirishima was a very popular skateboarder on YouTube but never let the fame get to his head.

He always loved whenever a kid or teenager recognized him in public and came up to ask for a photo. He loved his fans and wouldn't trade his job for anything else in the world.

On that note however, because he was so popular, he didn't get much privacy when out in public.

Kirishima didn't think it was that bad before he saw this photo in his for you page on Twitter.

That's when two things happened. One, he realized he didn't have any privacy in public and two, all of his fans now had a new ship to ship.

After that photo was posted by an anonymous person, Kirishima's dms were flooded with people asking if it was real or fake.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima yelled to his housemate and friend Bakugou who was in the kitchen washing dishes.

"What?!" The blond yelled back as he raised off the last dish before putting it into the dishwasher and walking into the livingroom where Kirishima was sitting on the couch.

"Someone took this photo of us at the skatepark the other day and I want your opinion on what to do next." Kirishima said while showing Bajugou the photo he had screenshotted. (It was a good photo of them, don't judge him.)

"What do you have in mind?" Bakugou asked as he sat down next to Kiri, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

The two were very clingy towards one another whenever people they know aren't around.

Some would consider them friends with benefits but others would just consider them very close friends.

"Well I was thinking I could either post a YouTube video talking about how the photo is real but that we aren't anything serious." He paused when he felt Bakugou's grip on him tighten.

"Or I could post a photo of us together with no caption and let my fans run wild with their imaginations." Kirishima continued as Bakugou nuzzled his head into the crook of Kirishima's neck.

Even though the two were just friends with benefits, Bakugou has claimed Kirishima as his and made that very clear on multiple different occasions.

The only reason why they aren't dating yet is because... well because neither one of them have grown the balls to ask the other out.

"Second option." Bakugou said before he began to kiss Kirishima's neck lightly making Kiri's face blossom into a light pink.

"Okay, let's go take a photo then." Kirishima said as he tried to stand up only to be pulled back down onto Bakugou's lap.

"One minute." He mumbled before he continued to kiss at Kirishima's neck, smirking against the skin when he heard Kirishima let out a breathy moan.

Hearing the moan he began to suck at the spot before biting it and kissing it once more.

He then stood himself and Kirishima up at the same time before leading them to the bathroom to take the photo.

"You really had to give me a hickey before we take a photo I'm going to post?" Kirishima asked, the blush still staining his cheeks.

"Of course, I need people to know that your mine don't I?" Bakugou asked in a low tone that sounded almost like a growl making Kirishima shiver.

"Okay fine but when you see all of this weird ass fanfiction and fanart of us then dont blame me." Kirishima said before Bakugou pulled him against his chest and hid his face behind Kirishima's as he wrapped his arm around his waist.

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