💗Impersonations (Prinxiety)

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Prinxiety & Logically* 

(EDITED by @KbaeStar ) 


(3rd pov.)

"Story Time!" Thomas said as he started his latest Sanders Sides video. All the sides came up because they where summoned by Thomas. "Hey guys! So a lot of fans have requested that we all do impersonations of each other! Well you all do impersonations of each other and I am the judge." 

"That should be fun!" Patton said happily. "Either that or we could make it to where we all end up hating each other on accident." Virgil said while leaning up against the stair railing. "Or we could all learn how we all think of each other and be happy about it." Roman said (siding with Patton). "Or the exact opposite." Virgil mumbled under his breath. 

"OK well how about we just do it and not take anything to heart ok?" Thomas said while laughing nervously.

They all nodded in agreement. "So the Fanders want Patton to do Logan first." Thomas said while checking his Twitter. 

"Salutations everyone, my name is Logan and the amount of grammar mistakes I have made are infidecimal." (I don't know how to spell it 😅) Patton said with a straight face and changed his clothes with the snap of his finger into some that matched Logan's. He then looked around at everyone's shocked faces and started to giggle. 

"What?" Patton laughed as he snapped his fingers and was now back in his normal clothes.

 "That was really good Patton!" Roman said breaking the silence. "Yes that was quite good Patton. I am impressed." Logan said while blushing slightly. 

"Guys, all I did was change my clothes, stop smiling as much, and say words that he normally says " Patton giggled. "Ok well it was still very good Patton, now the Fanders want to see Virgil impersonate Roman." Thomas said while grinning. 

Virgil groaned as Roman smirked. "Lets see what you got Emo Nightmare." Roman said still smirking.

Virgil snapped his fingers and he was wearing clothes that looked like Roman's. "Eww, I hate this, it's too bright " Virgil said while fake gagging. 

"Ok, well that is not how I act so please start your impersonation." Roman said while trying to hide a blush from how cute Virgil looked in his clothes. 

"Fine.." *Virgil pushed his hair out of his eye and took a deep breath before starting. "Good day everyone! I need to go and slay a Dragon Witch but I will be back soon." *he walks up the stairs.* "BE GONE DRAGON WITCH!" Virgil yells while running up the rest of the stairs with his replica of Roman's sword up in the air. The others could hear a snap and then Virgil came back downstairs with his outfit and hair looking a mess. 

"The Dragon Witch has been slayed. You are all safe." Virgil panted. (He was an amazing actor when he wanted to be.) Virgil then snapped his fingers and he was back to his normal clothes and hair.

"So what did you think?" He asked while looking around at everyone else. Patton looked like he was trying really hard not to squeal, Logan looked like he always does, Thomas looked at him with a smirk, and Roman was blushing. 

"What? Why are you all starting at me like that?" Virgil asked clearly confused.

 "Well for being Roman you chose to make him look like a hero and we are supposed to act whoever out as we see them. By you acting Roman out as a hero we assume you see him as one. That is why Patton is obviously trying not to squeal and Roman is blushing because he li-" Roman snapped his fingers and Logan was forced to stay quiet. 

"That's not what I meant by it! I was trying to make fun of him!" Virgil complained while blushing but because of his foundation you couldn't see it. 

"Yesssssss Virgil isssss ssso telling the truth here." Said a voice beside Patton making us all jump.

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