💗Pulse (V!Eddie x Steve)

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This is mostly fluffy but also kind of sad at some parts but then goes back to fluff
Ship- Vampire Eddie x Steve
⚠️Cussing, yelling, crying⚠️
Season 5 theory(?)
I forgot to add Robin in this oneshot bit I didn't realize until I was done w/ it and now I'm pissed at myself😭😭😭
"Why the fuck do those clouds look like that?!" Dustin asked as they all looked up at the red, black, and gray thundering sky.

"Because he's not dead yet and he's pissed." Will said as he held the back of his neck.

"Why can't we go one day without Hell breaking loose on Earth?" Steve said as he slammed his head into the side of Argyle's pizza van.

"Hey brochacho, careful with the van. Do you want a purple palm tree to calm down instead?" Argyle asked as he gently pulled Steve away from the van, holding the roll out for Steve to take if he wanted it.

"No thank you man, maybe later though." Steve sighed making Argyle shrug and put the weed back into his shirt pocket.

"I have some shrooms too if you want those instead." Argyle offered as he began to take them out of his from pant pockets.

"No thanks, not right now at least. Thank you though." Steve declined politely getting another shrug from Argyle, Johnathan walking up to them now.

"We should probably check this out because that's what we do." Johnathan sighed out before continuing. "At least we're all mostly together now." He finished before walking over to the passenger side of the van and getting it.

"You heard the man! Everyone into either the van or Hoppers car!" Nancy said loudly so the rest of the group could hear them.

Everyone cut their conversations off and did as they were told.

Will, Nancy, Mike, Argyle, Johnathan, and Joyce all went into the pizza van while Hopper, Murry, El, Lucas, Dustin, and Steve went to Hoppers car.

"Are you okay Will?" Mike asked as he looked at Will, the boys face contorted in pain.

"No, he's back and he's pissed and its like I can feel his pain." Will said, biting his bottom lip to hold back his tears.

Johnathan pulled Will into a hug, hiding his face into his chest so he could cry and not be seen while Joyce turned around in the passenger seat.

Once Johnathan found out that his mom was going to be driving with them he moved so she could have the front seat instead.

"Will, baby, it's going to be okay. Your going to be just fine alright? I'm sure Jane will be able to finnish him off this time." Joyce attempted to reasure.

Will just nodded as be continued to cry into Johnathan's chest.

Everyone else in the back of the van looked upset that they couldn't do anything to help Will but before they could worry about that, the van stopped.

"Alright, we're here dudes." Argyle said making everyone look out of the windows.

It looked like they were all inside of one of the red and gray clouds, the ground cracked open and glowing a bright red.

"Holy sh-" Nancy cut herself off when she looked at the back of  Joyce's head.

"Lets get out." She changed her words to making them all leave the van.

Once they were all out of the van they saw Hoppers car pull up behind of them.

"Will, what happened?" El asked as she ran up to her brother figure.

Will shook his head before wiping his eyes again.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." He said with a smile as she hugged him.

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