💗Truth or Dare? (A lot of Naruto ships)

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Ships- Sasuke x Naruto, Hinata x Sakura, Garra x Lee, Kakashi x Iruka & Shirley x Kiba (because I needed them to be with someone)
Age- Different for most everyone, they are all around 16 or older though
Type- Fluff
This is super unrealistic because they are all going to be just chilling & not fighting anyone but oh well, it's fanfiction.
⚠️- People being flustered, someone being embarrassed, beans being touch starved, implied things,  long af oneshot

Kakashi, Iruka, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Garra, Temari, Shikamaru, Sabaku, Kiba, Lee, Hinata, and Ino were all sitting in a circle ready to play truth or dare all together.

Naruto and Kiba convinced Iruka and Kakashi to join them because they were trying to get the two together.

"Alright, who is going first?" Kiba asked with a grin.

"ME! ME!" Naruto exclaimed bouncing in excitement.

"Okay...I will start out nice, hug and/or cuddle with Sasuke." Kiba replied making both boys blush.

"Whyyyyy? I don't want to hug him!" Naruto whined, his mood dropping (all acting of course).

"Because you two's sexual tension is killing us all and because I can't force you two to do much so I'm making you hug." Kiba answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Both boys blushes darkened at Kiba's statement.

"Thats not true." Naruto grumbled as he moved over to hug Sasuke.

Once their arms were wrapped around each other Naruto melted into the embrace.

Now thinking about it, not having parents to grow up with and most everyone being scared of you in the village led to him almost never getting any affection.

Naruto cuddled up to Sasuke's chest as his head nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

Sasuke, along with most everyone else, was shocked by his actions but found it adorable.

Sasuke wrapped his arms properly around Naruto and pulled him closer.

Ino and Sakura pouted, muttering something about how they should be in Naruto's spot but stayed mostly quiet.

Hinata didn't seem to mind surprising Kiba, he thought she would be upset and he would have to apologize to her.

"Sorry to break up your moment but Naruto has to ask someone the question  now." Sabaku said as he smiled slightly at the two cuddling boys.

"Truth or dare Bushy Brows?" Naruto asked, his voice muffled by Sasuke's shoulder.

"Dare." Lee answered after a minute of thinking.

"I dare you to let the girls give you a makeover." He answered making all of the girls brighten, their jealousy of Naruto pushed aside for now.

"Um okay but what is wrong with my look now?" Lee asked suddenly self cautious.

"You look like a little Guy Sensei, you should look more like your own person and not a copy." Sakura replied as she, Ino, Hinata, and Tamari all pulled Lee away from the rest of the group.

*10 minutes later*

While everyone waited for the girls to finnish up with Lee's makeover, Naruto had moved so he was now sitting on Sasuke's lap and everyone else talked amongst themselves.

"DONE!" Sakura yelled with a large smile before she grabbed one of Lee's hands, Ino grabbing the other.

"Allow me to introduce the new and improved Rock Lee!" Tamari said as she moved her fan from infront of Lee, revealing his new look.

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