💔/💗Family Troubles (Bokuaka)

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⚠Cussing, past family abuse, self hate⚠️ 

It was the end of practice and Akashi sat down onto one of the benches to drink some water before helping everyone else clean the gym.

A minute later he was about to stand up when Bokuto sat down next to him, grabbing onto his arm and hugging it to his chest.

Before Akashi could really process what was happening, Bokuto rested his head on Akashi's shoulder.

"I know I'm annoying but give me a minute please." Bokuto said quietly as he nuzzled his head into Akashi's shoulder.

That statement caught Akashi off guard.

"Who told you that you are annoying?" He asked trying to keep his voice monotone like normal.

"A lot of people, me, my mom, my dad, fellow students, a few coaches, the list goes on." Bokuto said before Akashi pulled him into a proper hug.

"Well don't listen to any of them. You are amazing and anyone that thinks otherwise shouldn't be around you. If they are however around you then find me and I will make sure to take care of them." Akashi stated as Bokuto properly hugged him back.

"Okay... Thank you Akashi." Bokuto said as he nuzzled his head into the crook of the younger boy's neck.

"Anytime Bokuto-San." Akashi replied with a blush at their position and at the fact that Bokuto said his name correctly for once.

The two stayed hugging for a while, Akashi getting concerned glances from their team mates that he meirly gave a "don't worry about it" face to.

By the time Bokuto had pulled out of the hug everyone was already done cleaning the gym and there were only two other people left in the entire place.

"We should change into our normal clothes now Bokuto-San." Akashi stated as he stood up, Bokuto agreeing with him and following him into the locker room.

The two changed quickly and grabbed their school bags before leaving the gym and heading home.

Bokuto looked uncomfortable the closer they got to his house and Akashi noticed.

"Would you like to stay at my place for the night Bokuto-San?" He asked making Bokuto instantly look at him.

"Can I? Really? Will your parents mind?" Bokuto asked with a hopeful smile. He had been over to Akashi's house many times before and Akashi's mom had told him many times that he can come over any time he pleases but he still didn't want to intrude.

"Of course you can and no they won't mind at all. They both rather like you." Akashi replied with a small smile when he saw Bokuto's smile widen.

"YAY! I GET TO GO TO AKASHI'S HOUSE!" Bokuto yelled happily as he started to skip in the direction of Akashi's house, Akashi following him with a fond smile.

***Time skip to when they get there***

"Mom! Bokuto-San and I are back!" Keji yelled through the house as he and Bokuto took their shoes off by the door.

"Okay honey, you two go and do your homework, dinner will be ready soon!" He heard his mom yell back from the kitchen.

"Okay!" He yelled back before looking over at Bokuto. 

"Do you have your homework?" He asked as they started to walk up to his room.

"Yep! I don't understand it but I have it!" Bokuto said with a grin as they entered the room.

"Then I will help you learn whatever it is, come on." Akashi sighed, even though he was a year younger than Bokuto he still understood most of what Bokuto was learning and was able to help him out a lot.

*Thirty minutes later*

"Keji! Kōtarō! Dinner time!" Akashi's mom yelled up to the boys saving them from the dreaded studding.

"Coming mom!" Akashi yelled back as he started to put the studding stuff back away.

"Go ahead and wash up in the bathroom, I will be down soon." Akashi said to Bokuto getting a nod from the owl like man.

*After dinner (Sorry for all of the time skips)*

"So are you staying the night Kotaro?" Akashi's father asked as he started cleaning the dishes.

"If you don't mind I would like to. It's fine if I can't though." Bokuto replied as he and Akashi stood from the table.

"You are always welcome here, no worries. You two should get to bed soon." Akashi's father reassured with a kind smile.

The boys nodded and left for upstairs after Bokuto thanked Mr. Akashi.

Once in Akashi's bedroom, Akashi hands Bokuto a pair of sweat pants and one of his largest t-shirts.

"Thank you." Bokuto says as he takes the clothes. They both quickly change into their pajamas before laying down on the bed, Bokuto pulling Akashi into a hug almost instantly.

"Are you okay?" Akashi asks quietly as he wraps one of his arms around Bokuto's torso as the other goes to run through his now non-gelled hair.

"Hmm." Bokuto hums as the hug tightenes, barring his head into Akashi's shoulder once again.

Now normally when the two were alone they were quiet effectniate to one another but Bokuto would radiate happy energy, currently he was giving off the same vibes if not worse of his 'Emo mode'.

"You don't have to but you can tell me what's wrong if you want to." Akashi said as he rested his head on top of Bokuto's.

"Family stuff, nothing big really. I'm just overreacting again." Bokuto says with a sigh, his warm breath hitting Akashi's neck and shoulder making the boy shutter involuntarily.

"I'm sure that you aren't overreacting. Just please rember that if anything gets too bad then you are always aloud over here. I don't care what is happening, if you are uncomfortable or just need to get away from them then call me and I will get one of my parents to drive me over to your house and pick you up." Akashi stated as he felt Bokuto start to get heaver on him, indicating that he was close to falling asleep.

'I will... Thank you Keji." Bokuto said before moving them so he was laying flat on his back, Akashi on his chest with their arms around each other and their legs tangled together.

"Of course Kōtarō. Goodnight." Akashi said blushing crimson, that was the first time Bokuto had ever called him by his first name.

"Goodnight 'Kashi." Bokuto muttered with a blush of his own before falling asleep. If he rembered this in the morning then he would probably explode from joy that Akashi used his first name.

Akashi smiled before soon drifting off as well, lulled to sleep by the sound of Bokuto's heartbeat.
1,078 Words!

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