💗Clingy (Tuskiyama)

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⚠️- Mild cussing, lowkey near death experience

Today was one of the very few days that the team didn't have Volleyball practice.

Because of this everyone was left with a free afternoon that they didn't know what to do with.

"Hey Tsuki? What do you want to do today?" Yamaguchi asked as he looked up at his tall friend.

"We can go to my house and watch movies?" Tsukishima suggested as he wrapped a protective arm over Yamaguchi's shoulders when he saw a few girls gigling while looking at him.

"Sounds good Tsuki!" Yamaguchi replied with a smile as he wrapped an arm around Tsukishima's waist, leaning into the unexpected embrace.

"WAIT! TSUKISHIMA KEI ARE YOU BEING SOFT?!" Someone yelled making Tsukishima and Yamaguchi both stop and look twards whoever it was.

"No I'm not now fuck off Noya." Tsukishima said with an eyeroll.

"That is no way to talk to you senpi! Also yes you are! Look, you have your arm around Yamaguchi right now!" Noya yelled drawing the attention of a few random kids passing by.

"That doesn't mean I'm being soft. Come on Yama, let's go." Tsukishima stated, his tone stiffening when he was talking to Yamaguchi.

"Okay Tsuki." Yamaguchi said happily as they started to turn back around and head twards Tsukishima's house.

"Asahi! Look! Tsukishima is being nice! You'll probably never see that again!" Noya yelled to his boyfriend as he pointed at Yamaguchi and Tsukishima walking away.

Tsukishima flipped him the bird as they continued walking getting an offended gasp from the smallest Volleyball player of their team.

"Come on Noya, we can go get some ice cream. You know Tsukishima isn't very nice." Asahi said instantly making Noya brighten.

"Yay! Ice cream!!!" He cheered before grabbing Asahi's hand and dragging him twards the closets ice cream shop.

Asahi just chuckled and allowed Noya to lead the way.

*Focusing on Yamaguchi and Tsukishima*

"What did Noya-senpi mean when he said you are being soft? This is how you normally act." Yamaguchi asked as he and Tsukishima walked twards a small park deciding to make best of the nice weather while it lasted and that they would watch a movie later.

"Ignore him, he was just being stupid." Tsukishima stated as the two walked over to the swings.

"Okay Tsuki." Yamaguchi replied as Tsukishima sat down in one of the swings, pulling Yamaguchi into his lap.

"Tsuki!" The greenet squeaked in shock as he wrapped his arms around the bean pole (aka Tsuki).

"Yes?" Tsukishima asked innocently as he moved his feet slightly making the two sway back and forth on the creeking swing.

"We are going to break the swing!" Yamaguchi said as he looked up at the bolts holding the wing up.

"We are fine, it's sturdy. It won't break and even if it did then I would be taking the pain, you would just fall on me." Tsukishima replied as he wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi's waist, the smaller boy moving so he was lowkey straddling Tsukishima.

"Well I don't want you to get hurt either Tsuki." Yamaguchi stated as he wrapped his arms around Tsukishima's chest, resting his head ontop of his shoulder.

"It won't break so I won't get hurt. Don't worry." Tsukishima said as he rested his head against Yamaguchi's.

The two were quite cuddly friends whenever they were alone because, believe it or not, Tsukishima was quite clingy.

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