💗Indirect Kiss!" (Kagehina)

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⚠️- people being flustered, cussing
It was the end of volleyball practice at Karasuno and everyone was rather tired.

Hinata grabbed the last water bottle and started to drink from it before handing the bottle to Kageyama (who had already drank all of his own bottle).

"Thanks." Kageyama thanked the tangerine boy with a nod before downing most of the bottle.

"No problem." Hinata replied with a small shrug, this wasn't the first time they had shared a drink so it didn't bother him.

Suddenly Noya  yelled "Indirect kiss!" as he walked behind the two first years making both boys blush darkly as Kageyama spit out the water...all over Hinata...

"Bakeyama! Eww!" Hinata whined as he quickly grabbed a towel and started to wipe the water off of himself.

"It's not like we haven't kissed before, why did you have to spit the water on me?" He added drawing the attention of the rest of the team.

"It's not like you haven't what now?" Suga asked as he and the rest of the team walked over to the three boys, Noya laughing his head off while Hinata and Kageyama were blushing messes.

"Nothing!" Hinata said quickly before he attempted to run to the locker room only to be stopped by Tanaka and Daichi.

"When did you two kiss?" Yamaguchi asked as he and Tsukishima joined the group.

"We didn't! I just meant that we have shared a drink before and like Noya-San said, it's bacily the same thing." Hinata attempted to cover up as Kageyama watched him struggle to come up with new lies.

"Why doesn't the King tell us what really happened?" Tsukishima asked as he looked at Kageyama.

"Would you quit it with that nickname!" Hinata snapped knowing that Kageyama didn't like the name at all.

"Aww are you all protective of your boyfriend?" Tsukishima mocked, instantly having Suga ask him a question.

"Are you homophobic? If so then we are going to have a problem here" He asked as he looked at the blond bean pole.

"What? No, I have a boyfriend. Why would you think I'm homophobic?" Tsukishima asked sounding very confused, his brows frowing as he wrapped an arm around Yamaguchi's shoulders.

"No reason, just making sure. Now back on topic, when did you two kiss and why didn't you tell me?" Suga replied before asking Kageyama making Hinata sigh. He had hoped that they were distracted so they wouldn't bring the topic back around.

"We kissed once on accident at a park. We were walking one of the trails when Hinata tripped over a root. I caught him and our lips toughed, it wasn't even a real kiss, bairly a peck." Kageyama stated with a sigh as he sat down onto one of the benches.

"Oh... Well that's lame. You two should properly kiss each other and then see if your feelings for each other grow or stay the same. If they grow then get together, if you see each other as meirly friends then stay friends!" Noya said as he jumped up and onto Asahi's back, wrapping his arms around the taller's shoulders and legs around his torso.

"W-what?!" Hinata stuttered with a dark blush as he glanced over at Kageyama who looked like he was contemplating it.

"You don't have to kiss infront of all of us but you should still kiss eventually." Daichi agreed with Noya but wanted the boys to have privacy if they wanted it.

"I- okay." Hinata said before pushing past Tanaka and Daichi, going into the locker room to change so he could leave.

Everyone followed him except for Yamaguchi and Tsukishima who left the gym having changed earlier. 

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