💗Anxiety Pills (Prinxiety)

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(EDITED by @KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.)

Thomas had summoned Virgil and only Vergil into his bedroom. "Sup Thomas, why did you only summon me?" Virgil asked while fidgeting with his jacket sleeve.

"Well I know you try your best to keep me from being stressed and take most of it yourself but I was thinking, why not make it to where neither of us have to take the pain? So I want to the doctors and they gave me these anxiety pills and they won't hurt you, they just will make you a bit loopy. I wanted to make sure you where cool with it before I take them." Thomas said as  quickly as he could.

"Well thank you for asking first, and as long as you are 100% positive it won't hurt me then I am ok if you take them." Virgil answered with a small smile.

"I am 100% positive they won't hurt you. Also it takes one hour before it takes full effect and it lasts twelve hours. Thanks Virgil!" Thomas said and then took one with some water. Virgil then sunk down and back to the Light Sides mind palace.

He instantly saw Patton in the kitchen making some cookies. "Hey Kiddo! Cookies should be done soon!" Patton said cheerfully.

"Ok, ill be in my *yawn* room if you need me." Virgil mumbled while he walked to his room. Once he got to his room he collapsed onto his bed and went straight (Ha!) to sleep.

*Time skip to an hour later*

Knock knock knock! "Virgil? Its Roman, can I come in?" Roman asked politely. Virgil got up and opened the door. "What's up Princy?" Virgil asked as he hugged Roman. Roman was shocked but hugged back.

"Are you alright Hot Topic?" Roman asked, trying to make it sound like a joke but failed.

"Aww, your think I'm hot." Virgil giggled and then booped Roman's nose.

"Alright, we are going to take you to the living room ok?" Roman asked as Virgil nodded his head. "Carry me? I'm so tired..." Virgil said while getting heavier on Roman. *"Alright." Roman sighed with a bright blushed as he picked Virgil up bridal style and Virgil instantly cuddled into Roman's chest.

Roman quickly walked to the living room to find Logan and Patton cuddled up on the couch and Janus and Remus in the kitchen eating some junk food.

Roman walked over to the couch and set Virgil down and then sat next to him. Virgil instantly moved so he was hugging Roman and nuzzled his face into his chest.

"Aww, someone's an effective emo." Roman joked while blushing and drawing the attention of Patton and Logan. "Shut up or I'll stop." Virgil mumbled while cuddling deeper into his chest.

"When did you two get together?" Logan asked curiously.

Roman's face blushed deep crimson, "We aren't together, I think Thomas took an anxiety pill and that's why Virgil is so clingy." Roman explained quickly.

"Hey Roman?" Virgil asked while looking up at him. "Yah Virg?" Roman replied while looking back at him. "I love you, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Virgil asked making Patton squeal, Roman blush bright red, Janus snicker, Logan have a small smile, and Remus yell "IF YOU DONT SAY YES TO HIM I WILL HIT YOU WITH MY MACE AGAIN!" Very loudly confusing everyone. "See you don't hate him!" Patton squealed while hugging Remus.

"Well?" Virgil asked already half asleep. "I would love to be your boyfriend and I love you too but I don't now if this is just a side affect of the pills or for real." Roman mumbled the last part under his breath so he thought nobody heard it.

Virgil smiled sleepily, kissed his cheek, and then cuddled into his chest and fell asleep. "Roman, he is telling the truth, it isn't an affect of the pill, although because Thomas took the pill he became tired and less anxious. So therefor he was able to tell you his true feelings without the fear of rejection." Logan explained because he had heard Roman's mumble.

Roman blushed and nodded.

*Time skip 12 hours because all it is sleepy cuddles and watching Disney movies*

It was now about 8:30 in the morning when Virgil woke up and instantly saw while pajamas with little gold crowns on them, Roman's pajamas. Virgil quickly jumped off of Roman, and bumped into Patton.

"Sorry." Virgil said quickly while moving so he was curled up on himself. "Nothing to worry about Kiddo." Patton said sleepily and then cuddled back into Logan.

"Do you remember anything about yesterday?" Roman asked Virgil curiously. Virgil blushed "Yes and if you only said that to make me shut up I fully understand, I don't know wh-" Virgil's short rant was cut short but Roman kissing his cheek.

"Your fine Virgil, I said what I said and I still stick by it boyfriend." Roman said with a small smirk and a blush. Virgil blushed also and then buried his head into Roman's shoulder to hide the blush.

Roman chuckled at his adorable boyfriend. "How about we get some breakfast?" Roman asked Virgil who nodded and got off of Roman. So they made breakfast for everyone.

They have been together ever since then. Who knew an anxiety pill could have such a great outcome?

892 words! I also made this into a full book & its complete if you wanna read that♡

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