💔/💗Distanced... (Steve x Eddie)

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Requested by KbaeStar ♡
Type- Angst to Fluff
⚠️Cussing, intentional isolation⚠️
This happens before Season 4 pt.2
Everyone was back from the Upside Down in Eddie's house and were ready to plan for what they were going to do next to try and kill Vecna.

"Okay, everyone go try to find some pencils, paper, a map of the town, and any weapons you can find." Nancy stated making everyone nod and go find what they could.

Well everyone exsept for Eddie.

Eddie left the room and instead went into his bedroom where he got his guitar off of the wall and began playing it without plugging it into the amp so it wouldn't make much sound.

Nobody noticed Eddie in his room until they were all back into the dining room.

"Where's Eddie?" Robin asked as she looked around for the metal head.

"I'll go find him." Steve volunteered before leaving the group to go and find the lost male.

Steve instantly went to Eddie's room knowing that he would probably be there of all places.

He knew he was correct when he heard the plucking of a guitar on the other side of Eddie's door.

"Hey man, can I come in?" Steve asked as he knocked gently on the door.

"Yeah, its not locked." Eddie replied, not picking his head up.

Steve walked into the room and instantly saw Eddie sitting on his bed with his guitar I'm his hands.

"Are you okay man? Why didn't you join us in the other room?" Steve asked as he moved to sit down next to Eddie on the bed.

Eddie shrugged in responce as he continued to play his instrument.

Steve looked at him for a second before sighing and taking his guitar out of his grip.

"Hey!" Eddie yelled as he looked up at Steve for the first time since he walked into the room.

"Hi, it's nice of you to properly acknowledge my existence. Now if you would like your guitar back then please answer my question." Steve snapped back as he put the instrument behind of him, keeping a hand on it so Eddie wouldn't be able to just snatch it back.

Eddie looked at Steve only to see that he was determined and wasn't going to budge before finally answering his question.

"Because I'm scared okay? I'm scared as to what that vecna bitch can do! I saw what he did to Chrissy and I'm fucking terrified that he will do it to one of you guys. I mean he's almost done it to little red! What if he does it to you or Nancy, Robbin, or Dustin?! What if he does it to me? I don't want to die! Im scared that you guys are going to try and plot to kill this bitch and instead of you guys killing him hes going to kill us!" Eddie ranted, panic flowing heavily through his tone.

Steve was taken aback from how honest Eddie was and how broken the poor boy looked.

"Eddie..." Steve trailed off seeing the tears fall from Eddie's eyes.

Eddie bit his lip to try to keep himself from making any sound as he cried. He looked away from Steve, embarrassed because Steve has probably gone through more stuff then he has! Why is he the one crying?

Instead of saying anything else, Steve let go of the guitar and pulled Eddie into a tight hug; allowing Eddie's head to fall onto his shoulder.

Eddie sobbed into his chest, grabbing onto Steve as he attempted to ground himself and calm himself down.

"I know this is all scary for you and I'm really sorry you were wrapped up into all of this bullshit. But, if it helps then I can assure you that nobody here is going to die. We're all way to stubborn for that to happen. We're going to kill Vecna or at least kick his ass." Steve attempted to reasure as he ran one of his hands through Eddie's long curly hair, sometimes getting his fingers caught in some knots; only to move his hand to a different area.

"But what if your stubbornness isn't enough? I can't loose you or Dustin, or anyone else for that matter." Eddie said as he nuzzled his head into the crook of Steve's neck.

"We won't die I'll make sure of it. We may come close to it but nobody will fully die okay? I promise." Steve said calmly as he used his other hand to rub up and down his back in soothing motions.

Instead of saying anything Eddie just nodded and hugged Steve tighter.


Eddie finally got his breathing back under control after a while and pulled out of the hug to look at Steve.

"I'm sorry about this." He said as he waved his hands over his face. "And that." He added when he saw the wet spot on Steve's  shoulder from where his tears seeped into his shirt.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Steve reasured with a smile getting a small smile back from Eddie.

Before either boy could say anything else there was a loud knock on the door before Dustin, Robin, and Nancy all came into the room.

"What the Hell are you two doing in here when we're planing on how to kill an evil bitch out there?!" Dustin yelled as he walked over to the two of them, grabbing them by their hands and pulling them both up before the three of them walked the orignal two out of the room.

"So here's the plan..." Nancy began to tell the two their plan, everyone else filling in what they needed to say when they needed to say it.


The rest is history from there, Steve and Eddie never talked about their little talk in the bedroom after it happened and Steve kept his promise. Nobody died, only Max was put into a coma but she wasn't dead.

*Proceed to my ending of Season 4 pt.2*

1,006 Words! I'm sorry that this probably wasn't what you wanted & that it sucked so badly, I did actually try 😅🥲

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