💗Hugs (Kiribaku)

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⚠️Cussing, touch starved boi, crying⚠️

It was getting late now that all classes were over for the day.

Most all of class 1A were all chilling in the common room area talking about their day and how they were excited for their next mission.

"Hey guys, how do you all feel about hugs?" Denki asked out of nowhere drawing everyone's attention to him.

"I love hugs! Why are you asking though?" Mina answered, throwing her hands up before bringing them back down to wrapp around herself.

"I'm an affectionate guy and wanted to know who would be uncomfortable if I gave them a hug and who would be okay with it." Denki explained with a shrug as he continued to play with the fuzzy bit of Ojrio's tail.

"Aww! That's so considerate of you Denki." Uraraka said with a large smile as the others nodded in agreement.

"Well I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so." Denki chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck, a small blush dusting his cheeks.

"Anyway, what about the rest of you. I only have Mina, Sero, and Ojrio's answers so far." Denki asked having previously asked both Sero and Ojrio if they were okay with hugs to which they both said it was fine.

"Well I also love hugs so I'm fine with them!" Uraraka said before being pulled into a hug by Mina, both of them now giggling.

"I guess hugs are okay." Jirou answered with a shrug of her shoulders before putting her headphones back on.

"I'm okay with hugs from certain people, not all people though." Momo answered, sending a slight glare towards Mineta who was already looking at her.

Without saying anything Jirou moved so she had her back leaning up against Momo's chest, blocking it from view of the short perv.

Momo smiled down at her girlfriend as she wrapped her arms around her shoulder and waist.

"I don't really like hugs, ribbit." Tsuyu answered getting a nod back from Denki, he was taking a mental note to not hug her as frequently as the rest or just not hug her at all.

Everyone else answered with they either don't mind hugs or they don't want hugs before it came to Kirishima and Bakugou's turns.

"I like hugs so I'm fine with them bro." Kirishima answered with a toothy smile as Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Hugs? Don't need em'." Bakugou answered as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"But your okay if I hug you? Or no?" Denki asked not wanting to get blasted into oblivion if he did hug the explosive blond.

"I said I didn't need hugs." Was Bakugou's only answer before he got up off of the couch and left for his room.

"I'm going to take that as a no to the hugs then." Denki shrugged as he continued to run his hands through Ojrio's tail furr.

By now Ojrio was used to it but he always got a light blush on his face every time anyone messed with it.

"I'm going to go and check on him, see you guys tomorrow!" Kirishima said with another smile before waving everyone goodnight and leaving to see if Bakugou was okay or not.

Once he got to Bakugou's room he knocked onto the door.

"Go away Dunce face!" Bakugou yelled sounding pissed as normal.

"Its not Dunce face, it's me shitty hair." Kirishima yelled back hoping to maybe make him laugh or at least be a little less pissed then before.

After a second Kirishima heard the sound of the door unlocking before it opened to reveal Bakugou already in his night clothes, aka a loose black tanktop and some even looser fitting sweatpants.

"What do you want shitty hair?" Bakugou asked as Kirishima quickly looked over his new appearance before looking him in the eye again.

"I just wanted to know if your okay, you seemed extra pissy down there when Denki asked you if you liked hugs or not." Kirishima explained as he put his hands in his Red Riot hoodie pocket.

"Tch, I'm fine. It's almost nine, I'm going to bed." Bakugou huffed as he began to close the door, only to be stopped by Kirishima catching it with his hand.

"Wait! Why don't you like hugs?" He asked as Bakugou stopped trying to shut the door knowing that -(sadly)- Kirishima was stronger then him.

"I never said that." Bakugou answered with a huff.

"Oh... well then why didn't you tell Denki that?" Kirishima asked sounding confused as Bakugou let him inside of the room before the blond flopped onto his bed.

"Because, I don't want all of those fuckers knowing personal shit about me. Your the only person I trust with this kind of shit." Bakugou admitted, his voice muffled by his head facing the covers.

"Aww bro." Kirishima said as he put his hand to his heart. He did actually find it a large honor that Bakugou trusted him and only him but he was still trying to be light hearted about everything.

"Oh shut up you oaf." Bakugou chuckled as he turned around so he could see the spikey redhead.

Kirishima laughed as he moved and sat down next to Bakugou on the bed.

"Do you mind me asking why you liking hugs is personal business?" Kirishima asked softly as he brushed a strand of dirty blond hair out of Bakugou's face.

Bakugou blushed at the small action before talking, "Its personal because of the reason why I like them." He sighed before continuing, "At home all I got was the occasional pat on the back from my father and wack on the head of back from my mom. I never really got affection like hugs growing up and I still don't. All Might gave me a hug once and I realized how touchstarved I am but I pushed him away quickly because I don't want to look week." Bakugou finnished explaining as he sat up so his back could rest against the headboard.

"Aww Baku-bro... you could have told me sooner and I would have given you more then the side hugs I give you." Kirishima said before pulling Bakugou into a tight, comforting hug.

Bakugou froze for a second, he was shocked from the sudden affection that was bacily forgin to his body.

Because of this Kirishima began to pull away thinking that Bakugou wasn't ready for him to give him a full hug and was going to be uncomfortable but quickly stopped when Bakugou hugged him tightly.

"Hold me and never let go." Bakugou muttered against the crook of Kirishima's neck after bringing himself even closer to the boy.

"Okay." Kirishima mumbled back as he pulled Bakugou onto his lap.

It wasn't for anything more then getting Bakugou closer, nothing sexual behind it at all. It was all very pure.

Bakugou cuddled closer to him as his body melted into the embrace.

"Thanks." He mumbled again, his voice still muffled from Kirishima's shirt.

"Anytime." Kirishima chuckled lightly as he moved one of his hands through Bakugou's hair, the other one going up and down his back.

After a while of this Bakugou had fallen asleep, leaving Kirishima trapped until morning unless he was going to wake him up -(which he would never do)-.

So Kirishima made himself as comfortable as possible in the position he was in before falling asleep himself.


From then on you could almost always see the two boys cuddling, hugging, holding hands, and any other innocent form of showing affection to one another.

Soon after that night the two got together and became the cutest couple of the school. <3
1,300 Words!

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