❤️‍🔥Sensitive (Steve x Eddie)

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Type- Smut
⚠️Cussing, overstimulation, smut/sex, non-cannon acting, different au, praise kink, hair pulling kink, cum control⚠️
Top- Eddie
Bottom- Steve (but they r both switches normally)

"Alright everyone, get into the cars so I can drop you all off at your homes." Steve said tiredly as he got into the driver's seat of his car, Nancy getting in the driver's seat of her own.

Everyone got into the two cars, Dustin, Mike, Will, and Eleven in Steve's car while Lucas, Max, Johnathan and Robin got into Nancy's car.

"Where you going to drop me off Steve?" Eddie asked as he leaned on his armrest, looking over at Steve with his large doe eyes.

"Your going to stay with me at my place tonight." Steve said with a shrug hearing Dusin's "Oooooo~" from the back seat.

"Oh shut up Henderson, I just don't want to drive all the way to his house and back. Nancy and I are going to just going to drop you kids off at her house." Steve replied with a huff as he followed Nancy's car to her house.

"Sureeeee." Dustin laughed as the others snickered.

"Hey, let him believe what he wants to believe. Even though we all know he loves me." Eddie laughed when Steve rolled his eyes yet grew a blush at the same time.

"Don't flatter yourself Munson." Steve said as they pulled into Mike and Nancy's driveway.

"I don't, that's your job big boy~" Eddie said as Dustin, Mike, El, and Will all got out of the car.

Steve looked over at Eddie confused, this is the second time the dude has called him that and he still doesn't know why.

Eddie meirly smiled back at Steve before looking out of the window to wave bye to everyone.

Steve waved bye to them all as well, everyone waving back before they went inside of the house.

"Why do you keep calling me big boy?" Steve asked as he pulled back out of the driveway and began to drive back to his own house.

"Because I bet your a big boy-" he looked down at Steve's lap before looking back up at him "-and because it makes you super flustured." Eddie teased, moving one of his hands to rest on Steve's knee.

"It does not make me flustured Munson, don't give yourself so much credit. All it does is make me confused." Steve countered as he attempted to keep his focus on the road, even when Eddie began to drag his hand higher up his leg.

"I'm sure I can make you flustured another way then lover boy." Eddie hummed as he traced his hand up Steve's thy, stopping just before his crotch.

"Fuck Eddie." Steve breathed out, his voice breathless making Eddie smirk. "Your going to make me crash the fucking car." Steve stated making Eddie chuckle.

"Fine, I'll wait until we get to your house." Eddie said as he pulled his hand back, not missing the quiet whimper that left Steve's throat at the loss of touch.

Steve pretended that he didn't make any sound so Eddie gave him a break and decided not to question it for now.


Steve parked into his driveway and quickly got out of the car, Eddie close behind of him.

"Someone's needy~" Eddie whispered against Steve's ear as Steve attempted to unlock the door, instantly having the boy shutter at the breath against his ear and neck.

"Shut up Munson." Steve mumbled out as he finally unlocked the door and walked inside, taking his shoes off at the door before walking up the stairs and into his room.

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