💗The Haunted Highschool(SS Ships)

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STORY TIME!!!   -Thomas Sanders
*All of the ships!*
So this was based off of something that happened to me in 6th grade but it is modified to work for the Sides ships! (I am Virgil in this!) 

*Human Au.*

 ~They are all roommates~

 (EDITED! by @KbaeStar )
(3rd pov.)

"Hey kiddos! We haven't gone on any trips lately, so how about we go on a daycation?! We will all vote on where to go!" Patton exclaimed happily. 

"Sounds fun Patton! But one question... what's a daycation?" Roman asked confused. "Well a daycation is a one day vacation! My family and I used to go on them all the time!" Patton said happily. "Lets go somewhere haunted!!!" Roman's twin, Remus yelled while pulling up "Haunted places near me" on Google.

"Or we could just go somewhere not haunted?" Virgil said while sinking into the couch, Virgil didn't really like haunted things, well that's what he wanted them to think. He really didn't mind them at all but he wanted to see what the others would do if they thought that he was.

Before anyone could say anything more Remus yelled "LETS GO HERE!!!" Very loudly making Logan roll his eyes and say "We can not see what you are talking about, you will need to tell us what it is." Making Remus sigh dramatically. "It is a haunted high school! It is SUPER OLD and almost everything of it burned down! There are white patches on the ground that are rumored to hold dead bodies and a piano was heard playing while everyone was upstairs in one of the buildings that still stands AND the place where they tell you a lot about the place, paranormal things sometimes happen!" Remus said excited (Yes this is a real place and all of that did happen, I can't remember what it is called though.)

After some persuasion Thomas, Joan, Virgil, Roman, Patton, Logan, Janus, and Remus where on the road to the Haunted Burned Down Highschool.

*Time Skip to when they get there*

They all where greater by an older lady that seamed to really hate her job. She guided them all over the place. First to the place where Remus said that their where dead bodies. Virgil decided to continue his 'oh I'm scared' act and connected his and Patton's arms together and started to do his best acting. "Don't step on them!" Virgil yelled with fake panic at Remus who just laughed in response. Roman was looking at Patton and Virgil almost jealously.

They continued the tour to the building that survived the fire. Once inside Roman had put his arm around Patton's shoulders and his hand was on Virgil's shoulder. Then on the other side of Roman was Thomas who had his arm around Roman and Joan's waists. Then Joan has his arm around Thomas's shoulders. Logan and Janus where the only two paying attention and not touching anyone.

Once they had left the building Virgil said "I should have gotten a better hoodie, I'm cold." "Well I could come onto your other side if you want." Roman said 'smoothly'. "Ok." Virgil said while opening his arm out for Roman to take. Roman then smiled and linked their arms together making Patton use all of his willpower to not squeal.

They got to their final destination, the paranormal building. Everything was going normally until the doors started swinging opened and shut on their own, there wasn't anyone there and there wasn't any wind. This slightly scared Virgil so he quickly grabbed Roman's hand (who also looked scared) and 'payed attention' to what the lady was saying.

 Also when the doors opened and closed Joan and Thomas held hands, Janus and Patton jumped into Remus and Logan's laps. (Patton in Logan's lap & Janus in Remus's lap.)

Once they where done there they all thanked the lady that gave them the tour and then left back home. On the car ride, Thomas took a different road and ended up hitting three massive pot holes full speed because he didn't see them and because the others where in the bed of the truck Patton flue up and into Logan's lap, Janus flue up and ended up in Remus's lap, and Virgil flew up and ended up to Roman's lap and clung onto him for dear life.

*Time Skip to when they are back home*

"Well that was fun! The best part is that I got a significant other!" Thomas said happily while kissing Joan's cheek. This caused Patton to squeal loudly and make the rest of them smile approvingly. "You know, this has been a fun day. Let's end on a happy note as well... are ya'll thinking what I'm thinking?" Roman asked 

"I swear if you say Disney marathon..." Janus mumbled. 

"DISNEY MARATHON!!!" Roman yelled happily while flopping onto the couch.

 "And he said it." Janus said while rolling their eyes.

So they all ended up watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, Peter Pan, Mulan, Tiana, and Moana before everyone was asleep. Janus asleep cuddled into Remus's side, Patton cuddled into Logan's chest, Virgil was on Roman's lap and had his head buried in the crook of Roman's neck, and Thomas was on Joan's lap with his head burrowed into Joan's chest.

875 words! That was rough, the real thing was quite funny in my opinion. 

If you would like me to tell you all what really happened to me then tell me in the comments! I hope you have an amazing day/night 😁💖

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