💗Carry Me? (Analogical)

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This was requested by KbaeStar 💖

(EDITED by @KbaeStar)

(3rd pov.) 

It was ten thirty in the Mind Palace when Logan came into Virgil's room (on Patton's orders of waking him up).

"Virgil? May I come in?" Logan asked after knocking on Virgil's door.

"Ughhhhhhhhh." Virgil replied while barring his face into his pillow. This was much too early for him to be awake. Normally he didn't wake up until around two in the afternoon.

"I'm taking that as a yes." Logan said while walking in. He instantly saw Virgil curled up into a little ball on his bed, covered in a massive pile of blankets and hugging his pillow.

"Come on, you have to wake up. Patton and Roman want to have a Disney marathon and want you to come. I'm sure you can go back to sleep once your down there." Logan said while gently pulling the covers off of Virgil.

"Ughhhh fine. Carry me?" Virgil asked while barely sitting up.

*sigh* "Ok, jump on my back." Logan said with a slight blush as Virgil stood up on his bed and then got onto Logan's back.

Virgil was very cuddly whenever he was tired. So basically he always wanted cuddles but was to anxious to ask anyone.

Once they had made it down to the living room, Virgil was almost asleep again. Only to be woken up by Patton's fanboy screech.

"Aww! You two are so cute together!" Patton squealed, Roman nodding in agreement with a smile.

Virgil had tightened his grip on Logan when he hear the scream and hid his face in Logan's shoulder/neck.

Logan blushed brightly at Virgil's actions and the others commentary.

"What movies are we watching?" Logan asked, attempting to change the subject.

"He didn't deny it!" Roman pointed out with a sly grin as Logan gently set Virgil down onto the couch.

Virgil whined at the loss of touch and immediately slapping a hand over his mouth. "Did that come from me?" Virgil asked sounding concerned.

"Yes it did, cuddle Logan and you will feel better." Roman said with a grin. He knew that whenever Virgil was tired he was cuddly and didn't really think a lot unless it was an anxious thought.

Virgil nodded and looked at Logan, silently asking for permission.

Logan looked over at Roman and Patton who where cuddling and fanboying. He then looked back at Virgil and lifted his arm, silently inviting Virgil to cuddle.

Virgil smiled sleepily and cuddled up to Logan's chest. Logan blushed darkly and Patton had to restrain himself from squealing again.

They started the first movie, Mulan.

About half way through the movie, Virgil started emitting sounds that where very similar to a cat's purr.

Logan had started running his fingers through Virgil's hair subconsciously near the beginning and stopped when Virgil started purring.

Once he stopped, so did the purrs. Roman had noticed the interaction and put Logan's hand back onto Virgil's hair and Virgil's purrs started again.

Hand off, purrs stop. Hand on, purrs start again.

"Aww, he's a little cat." Patton cooed, he thought his little emo son was adorable.

Logan agreed with a confused nod of his head.

They continued their marathon, Logan continued to run his fingers through Virgil's hair and Virgil continued to purr.

Once it was lunch time, Patton summoned them all some food. They ate and continued with their marathon, same thing for dinner.

Once the clock struck twelve, Patton was asleep in Roman's arms. Virgil was still asleep (he hadn't properly slept for a week) and Logan was falling asleep too.

The t.v. had turned off on its self and so did the lights.

They would have some explaining to do for Virgil in the morning but until then they all where content cuddling and sleeping.

632 Words!

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