chapter 1

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We're walking down the school hallways on our way to English. "You need to get laid" Mark hits my arm. "Ow" I gasp.

Mark is very well known in our school. Hes on the football team and about 95% of girls in the school has seen him naked. I've known him since we were 5 and he moved in next door to me. He's my best friend.

"I don't want to get set up!" I say. "Addison is really nice.. she's hot and she told me that she's interested in you" he says. I roll my eyes.

"She's over there" He points at her. I glare at him. He rolls his eyes. I look at her. She's stood by the lockers talking to some friends.

"She is beautiful" I say. She looks over at me and smiles. I smile back at her. "Go over to her" he says. I stay still. "Go!" He chuckles, pushing me. I walk over.

Her friends walk away. "Hi" I smile. "Hi" she smiles, leaning back against the lockers. "I'm derek" I say. "I know" she chuckles softly.

I stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to say next. "Did you really not prepare anything to say before coming over here?" She asks. "Not really" I say. She giggles.

"Listen, I'm going to put my number in your phone, and when you figure out what you want to say, you can text me or call me" she says. She grabs my phone out of my pocket.

I smile. She passes it back to me. She grins before walking away. "You're pretty!" I say. She giggles, turning back to look at me. "Bye" she mouths, smiling and waving.

"You're pretty" Mark mimics. I gasp, looking behind me. He chuckles. I barge past him. He laughs as we walk into our English classroom, sitting at the back next to eachother.

Our English teacher, mrs Bird, walks in. Mrs Bird has been our English teacher ever since we first started at this school.

She's about 25 years old, has brown hair, blue eyes and wears mainly balloon pants and tank tops everyday. She's very.. hippy. I'm pretty sure she's high 98% of the time when teaching.

She's a really cool teacher but we definitely don't learn anything in her class. We spend most lessons just watching movies as she talks on the phone to her boyfriend in the hallway outside.

"I have an announcement to make!" She says. Everyone goes silent. "I made a life decision" she says. "Miss Bird.. you called me in here?" The headmaster walks in.

"I quit!" She says proudly. The class starts whispering stuff to eachother. "Excuse me?" The headmaster asks. "This place is toxic.. and I need out" she says. He sighs.

"I loved every second I spent with you humans and I hope you choose to live your life as freely as me one day.. goodbye" she waves before walking out.

I chuckle, nudging Mark. He gives me a look, chuckling. "We better not get a new teacher who actually makes us do work" I roll my eyes. Mark scoffs in agreement.

"Um.. I'm sorry guys, you guys can go home for the day" the headmaster says. "Yesss" I whisper, standing up.

"Need a ride home?" Mark asks. "Obviously" I say. We walk out of the school to his car. He drives us home. "See you tomorrow" I say, walking to my house. "See you" he says, walking to his door.

I walk into my house. "Derbear!" Amelia runs over, hugging my legs. Amelia is one of my 4 sisters. She's 2 years old.. Nearly three.

"Hi amy" I smile, stroking her hair gently. "Come! Mommy got me new bawbie" she runs into the living room. I follow her.

I sit on the couch and she climbs next to me, showing me her barbie. "Hi sweetheart, you're home early" my mom walks into the room. "English teacher quit" I say. "Again!?" She groans. I nod. She rolls her eyes.

"How was school?" She sits next to me. "Good.. a girl gave me her number" I say. "Yeah?" She asks.

"Yeah.. she's really pretty.. and popular" I say. "Oh honey, you should just leave it.. popular people stay with popular, attractive people" she says.

"You think I'm.. ugly?" I furrow my brows. "I think you're so handsome" she runs her fingers through my curls. I roll my eyes.

"I'm just saying.. go for a quiet girl.. you'll have more of a chance.. I dont want to see you get hurt" she says. I sigh.

"Maybe you're right" I shrug. "What do you want to eat?" She stands up, going to the kitchen. "Takeaway!" Nancy, my oldest sister buts in. She's 19. "Yes! Pizza please" I say.

She sighs, walking back into the living room. "Fine" she grabs the phone to order it. "Thanks mom, you're the best" I get up, going upstairs to my room.

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