chapter 118

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I go downstairs in just my pyjama bottoms to get a glass of water. I stop when I walk into the kitchen and see my mom eating brunch with meredith.

"Sorry derek, I expected you to sleep until later" my mom says. "Its okay" I smile.

I put my hands on merediths waist, kissing her cheek from behind. "Good morning" I say. "Morning" she smiles.

I steal some of her food. She giggles. I smile at her before getting a glass of water and leaving. I sit on the couch in the living room.

I go back into the kitchen a little while later. She has amelia on her lap, cuddling her. "Amelia!" I yell, walking over. She gasps as she sees me.

She tears up. "You told me you wouldn't be friends with her anymore" I say. "I sowwy dewek" she starts crying. "Derek don't be so cruel" my mom scolds. I laugh.

She holds her arms out to me. I pick her up. "I'm joking.. I dont care" I chuckle. "Weally?" She asks. I nod. "Meredith is my friend too" I say. "Really?" Meredith asks. I look at her. She smiles. I nod.

I put her back on merediths lap. She hugs her. "My baby" meredith cuddles her. I chuckle. Amelia hugs her.

"I was thinking we could maybe hang out today, mer?" I ask. "Really?" She smiles. "As friends" I say. "Okay" she grins happily. I smile at her before going back upstairs. "I'll text you!" I yell, going into my room.

Merediths pov:
I smile at Carol. She smiles back at me. "I should go" I pass amelia to her. I kiss both of their cheeks. Carolyn chuckles softly as I rush off.

I shower, shaving almost every inch of my body. I pluck my eyebrows, blow-dry and curl my hair, put on some scented lotion and look in my closet for outfit choices.

My phone rings. "Hi derek" I smile. "Hi mer, be ready in the next ten minutes.. I'm coming to get you" he says. "Wait whe-" I say. "We're going to the park" he says. "Okay" I say.

I put on a flowy blue summer dress. Derek's favourite colour. I'm putting on some lip gloss when the doorbell rings. I grab my bag and run downstairs.

I take a breath before opening the door. "Wow, you look gorgeous" he says. I smile. I hug him. He kisses my cheek.

"You ready?" He asks. "Yep" I say. He holds my hand. I blush hard, smiling as he leads me to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in.

"Boo!" Mark yells. I scream. I look back and see him sat there. "What are you doing here?" I whine. I thought I was getting alone time with him. "We're hanging out at the park" he says.

"If you think I'm leaving you alone with my boy after you hurt him like that then you're stupid" he says. "Mark!" Derek says.

"Derek, you remember when we had sex back there?" I say. "Eww!" Mark yells, pulling his hands off of the seats. Me and derek laugh.

"I was hoping to speak to you.. alone" I look at him as he drives. "Mark will piss off as soon as we get there.. we're meeting up with a few other friends too" he says. "Okay" I smile.

"You won't leave me alone with a bunch of teenagers, will you?" I ask. "I'll stay with you the whole time, don't worry" he smiles. "Promise" I say. "I promise" he chuckles.

He parks outside the gates and we get out. I walk up to him and hold his hand again. "Come here" he grins, pulling me close and wrapping his arms around my shoulder. I smile, hugging his waist.

We meet with his friends on the field and he introduces me to them, just as another one of his friends. We sit on the grass.

"You okay?" He asks. "Yes of course" I smile small. I thought this would turn into a date by the end of it but I guess not..

"Are you mad cause I didn't tell you about Mark and everyone?" He asks. "I'm not mad" I say. "But you're upset.. shit, I'm sorry" he says. "Its okay" I rest my head on his chest.

"I love hanging out with you again" I say. "Me too" he smiles. "Its kinda like before we got together" I say. "I know" he grins. Except he was the one chasing me. Now it's the other way around..

"Have I told you how gorgeous you look today?" He puts his hand on my thigh. "Yes" I grin. "You do" he smiles.

"I love that dress on you" he scans my body. "Thank you" I blush. He leans down to me. "It'd look better on my bedroom floor" he whispers in my ear. I giggle.

"Derek" I warn. "What?" He smiles. "You're the one rejecting me.. not the other way around" I say. "I know" he sighs.

"You could have me in your bed anytime you want.. I'm yours, derek" I whisper in his ear. He clears his throat, looking away. I grin.

"I brought some stuff for us" he grabs his bag. I look through the food he brought and pick out what I want. He brought all my favourites.

"Thanks" I smile. "I miss having you to cook for me" I say. "What have you been eating?" He asks. "..takeaways" I mumble. "Oh baby no" he sighs. I shrug.

"I'm cooking you dinner every night, okay? No takeout" he says. "Derek" I giggle. "I'm being serious" he says. "Okay" I grin.

"Date night with derek everrryyyy night" I hug his waist. He chuckles. He kisses my head a few times softly.

I eat my food. I smile as he starts playing with my hair. "I love your hair" he says.

"Derek, can you come and push me on the swing?" A girl runs over. "Uh.. I wanna stay with mer" he says. I smile brighter as he kisses my jaw softly. We're here for another two hours before he takes me home.

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