chapter 58

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Derek's pov:
I squeeze my eyes shut, groaning as a bright light wakes me up from my sleep.

I open my eyes to look at whoever turned my bedroom light on. I smile as I see meredith stood naked infront of me.

"How did you get in here?" I ask as she straddles my waist. I put my hands on her thighs. "Snuck in.. you really shouldn't leave your door unlocked at night" she says.

Merediths pov:
"Well, what if hot women want to turn up naked in my room in the middle of the night.. then how are they gonna get in?" He jokes. I giggle.

"Lay down" he says. I lay on my stomach between his legs so it's easier as we start making out.


"Mhm" I smile, laying my head on his chest, my body between his legs. "You feel good?" He whispers, stroking my hair. I smile at him, nodding.

I look into his eyes. "I love you" he smiles. I sit up, holding a blanket around me. He sits up too.

"You alright?" He puts his hand on my waist. "Mhm" I nod. He runs his hand up and down my leg gently. "What's on your mind?" He asks.

"I'm kinda.. worried" I say. "About what?" He moves his hand between my thighs. I look down. He puts his other hand on my chin, lifting it up so I'm looking at him.

I grab onto the sheets under me as he thrusts two fingers into me. "Derek" I breathe. "Focus" he smiles, moving his fingers.

"What?" He asks. "Well, I- I just-" I stutter. He smiles. "I'm worried about the future of our relationship" I say. "Why's that?" He asks.

"Because your a teenager.. and I'm in my mid twenties" I say. My head tilts back slightly and I rest on my hands behind me.

"So? We work perfectly together" he smirks, rubbing my clit with his thumb at the same time. I sit between his legs, my legs spread out either side of him. He smiles, looking down. He carries on.

"Until we don't.." I say. "When would we ever not be perfect together?" He asks. "When I'm no longer your hot teacher that you managed to.. get into bed with" I say. "You're never not going to be hot" he says. I laugh.

He speeds up. I moan quietly. "Derek I'm being serious" I pant. "So am I.. you're sexy" he smirks. I giggle.

"Please.. be serious" I say. "I love you mer.. I promise, nothing can change that" he says. "Okay" I smile. "Okay?" He smiles. I nod.

He speeds up. I lay back onto the bed, my back arching. I put my hand over my mouth to suppress my moans. I grab a pillow, holding it over my face.

He pulls it away. I moan, throwing my head back as I cum. "Mhm!" I bite my lip as my body spazms.

He pulls his hand away slowly. I smile, panting out of breath. I watch him as he licks his fingers clean. "You used to not like the taste" I say. "Now I can't get enough of it" he smirks. I giggle.

"Derek" I say. "Mhm?" He asks. "I wear glasses" I say. "What?" He furrows his brows. "I need glasses.. really bad, but I don't wear them.. I hate them" I say.

"Wh- why are you telling me this now?" He chuckles. "I just thought that it's important, so you should know" I shrug. He smiles.

"Come here crazy" he pulls me close. I grin, cuddling him. We both lay down in eachothers arms.

"also.. I dye my hair, I'm not naturally this blonde" I say. "I knew that already" he smiles, tucking my hair behind my ear. I smile.

"What about ex boyfriends?" He asks. I chuckle. "I've never really dated anyone seriously before.. you're the first guy I've ever loved" I say. He smiles.

"Sex?" He asks. I clear my throat. "What about it?" I ask. "How many guys?" He asks. "Derek!" I whine. "Tell me" he says.

"Fine.. um" I count in my head. "I- I guess.. um.. 28" I say. "Slut!" He says. I immedietly tear up. "Sorry, I'm sorry.. I was just joking.. that wasn't funny" he puts his hands on my cheeks.

"I was just kidding" he kisses me. "I hate you" I look into his eyes angrily. "Sorry" he hugs me.

"Stupid virgin asshole!" I hit him. "I'm not a virgin.. you defiled me" he says. I hit him again. He smiles. I giggle. "I hate you" I cuddle back into him.

"When did you lose your virginity?" He asks. "19" I say. "Yes! I win" he says. I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Yeah? And what 28 other people have you had sex with to beat my number?" I ask sarcastically. "Um.. myself?" He says. I giggle.

"I win automatically" he says. "Oh, how's that?" I smile, laying on my side, looking at him. He does the same. "Because right now, I'm in bed with the most gorgeous, perfect woman in the world" he says.

"You're such a cutie pie" I hug him. He chuckles softly. He smiles as I kiss his lips loads of times quickly. "You're the best" I sigh, cuddling into him. "Yeah, I know" he says. I giggle.

"So.. you're not gonna get bored of me?" I ask. "We both know that I'm the one punching above my weight in this relationship.. you're so much hotter than me.. I'm a 7 and you're like.. an 11" he says.

"You're a 12 sweetheart" I mumble, pushing my face into his chest. He hugs me. I close my eyes. He kisses my head. "Night" I mumble. "Night" he whispers.

Any suggestions???

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