Chapter 1: Weird And Confusing Feelings

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Max's pov
Lucas and I have been dating. El and Mike are dating. We were hanging out at Dustin's house. We were all messing around. Dustin, Mike, el and I were having a competition on who can fill his mouth with most marshmallows. Will and lucas were playing video games. Dustin was winning so far. "How did you do that?" Mike said spiting out the mashmallows. "ew mike" Dustin yelled. "im sorry but I can't have them in my mouth any longer" Mike said back standing up to throw his napkin full d marshmallows in the bin. El and I locked eyes. She smiled at me and I smiled back. No words, just smiled at each other for some reason. "wanna play?" I asked smirking, she nodded smirking as well. We started putting mashmallows in our mouths. I put like 10 so far, el put 12. "alright I give up" I said spitting them out as el laughed. "alright it was a good one" I said giving her a high-five smiling. We locked eyes again. We suddenly stare at each other sometimes. I can't help but stare back at her beautiful brown Hazel eyes. I find them incredibly beautiful, gorgeous, stunning. She's like a cute little Teddy bear. She has that adorable Teddy bear look on her face that always melts my heart. She's so gorgeous, beautiful and adorable, cute at the same time. She's... amazing. In and out. I can't explain but el makes me feel different than anyone and I don't know why. It's probably because she's my best friend? I don't know. I'm like really confused at the moment. "wanna try again?" el said smiling after our intense eye contact. "I bet I can beat you again-" el said but Mike cut us off. He suddenly jumped on the couch. He suddenly kissed her and put a marshmallow in her mouth after making el giggle. Just as I was excited to play with her. My smile faded immediately when Mike came. I felt... jealous. I was disappointed. It's her boyfriend so I just have to accept my fate. What am I saying? I don't like el. She's just my best friend, right? I'm dating lucas and I like him, I shouldn't be feeling like this. I leaned back on the couch, realising that Mike had gotten el's attention. I put a marshmallow in my mouth and ate it as I stared at the ground. I noticed that Will was looking at me for some reason. I prayed he didn't see my jealous expression. He must have sensed it. "hey max, wanna come try this game out? It's really cool" Will said smiling. Is he trying to cheer me up? If that's his purpose then it kinda worked. I looked over at Mike and el. El looked at me with kind of sad eyes? Disappointed ones? I couldn't tell. Then she looked back at Mike and smiled along with him. I sighed and nodded walking and sat next to Will. "here max, take my place I suck at this" lucas said annoyed handing me the controller. I laughed. "I see" I joked as he rolled his eyes playfully. Lucas suddenly kissed my cheek before walking away. I don't think I liked it. I know lucas is my boyfriend but I've been feeling different recently and it's killing me. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know how to break up with him. He's gonna start asking why, but the problem is, I don't know why either, and I don't want to hurt him. I faked a smile when he kissed my cheek. Will was looking at me weirdly again. I don't know why he did it again. Then we started playing.

El's pov

When max went over to play video games with Will I felt guilty. Because Mike interrupted max and I as we were about to play. I didn't know what to do so I just went along with it. He started kissing me. I then saw lucas kissing max's cheek. My heart broke a little for some reason. She's my best friend I don't get why it hurt. Suddenly Mike grabbed my chin and kissed me again. It doesn't feel the same anymore but I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I kissed back.

Max's pov

I turned around for a second and of course I saw el and Mike making out. I saw el looking at me when they pulled away. We made eye contact. She looked at me worriedly and kind of upset. My heart broke but I decided to let it go. I just turned back to the game trying to get these thoughts out of my mind. "hey are you okay?" Will asked. I swear he reads people's minds. He always knows when his friends are upset. I nodded. I could tell he wasn't convinced.


After an hour we decided to play board games. I wasn't paying too much attention. All I thought about was el. I couldn't stop thinking about her and its driving me insane. We catch each other staring but look away immediately. Lucas took my hand suddenly while we were playing as I had my other hand on my lap. I wasn't thinking straight and without thinking twice I dropped his hand pretending to take the dice with it instead. Lucas just stared at me confused and disappointed. I felt bad but I don't know, I just didn't feel like it. "come on guys why are you so boring today, we used to be more energetic when we play board games? Are you all good?" Dustin complained. "yeah, why wouldn't we be?" Mike asked. El and I looked at each other again, this time neither of us looked away. I heard lucas clear his throat breaking the eye contact I had with el. I didn't mean to stare back but I couldn't help it. "you just seem not so into it today" Dustin said. "we're just tired" Will said smiling. He obviously sensed that weird tension all of us had today which was weird. "oh okay" Dustin said quietly. "el and I should go, my mom is gonna pick us up in a few minutes" Will said after a few minutes. Mike already left. He hugged el and kissed her, Jealousy grew in me again. I was sitting on the couch next to Will. He was showing me some tapes Jonathan made for him. He was so excited to show me, that made me smile widely. Will is special to me, I don't know why. I just feel great around him, he's so kind and always by our sides. He's like the heart of the party. Suddenly el interrupted us. "hey max can I talk to you?" el quietly asked. I looked at will and he nodded smiling. I nodded and stood up and followed her. Her boyfriend left so she doesn't have anyone at the moment? She suddenly remembered us? Remember me? Stop it max, you're being ridiculous. " what is it?" I asked. "um-do you wanna come over tomorrow at my house? For a sleepover?" el asked smiling. "won't you hang out with Mike?" I asked. Shit, I shouldn't have asked that. She stared at me confused. "no I didn't ask him, I wanted to hang out with you, not Mike" el said quietly. I felt guilt. "oh.." I said looking down. "you don't have to if you don't want to-" el said. "no, I'm so sorry, i do want to" I said smiling. She smiled nervously. "alright can you be there at 5pm?" el said. "yeah sounds great" I said smiling. "sorry about earlier with Mike, I didn't mean to let you out" el said looking at me sadly. "it's fine-don't worry, Mike's your boyfriend so it's reasonable" I said. She just looked down and nodded. "hey el, Joyce is here" Will said. "okay" el said walking away. But she stopped and ran to me giving me a hug. I immediately hugged back happily. She gives the best hugs. "alright, see you tomorrow max! I can't wait" el said pulling away from the hug. "love you" I heard el saying smiling at me walking backwards that almost hit her head on the door. I immediately covered the door with my hand,so she doesn't hit her head. I saw el blushing for some reason and smiled, so did I. "thanks, I should see where I'm going next time" el nervously laughed. "yeah, it's okay" I said. "see you tomorrow" I said. "I love you too" I quietly said. I don't get why that phrase hurted me slightly. Best friends tell each other they love each other so why did I find it weird? Or even liked it. I don't know if she heard it because I quietly said it. I took my skateboard and headed to the door after I said goodbye to Dustin and lucas. I felt someone grabbing my hand when I opened the door. I turned around, it was lucas. I was a bit confused to be honest. But I saw a weird expression on his face that I can't even explain and describe. He looked.. Upset? Mad? "yeah?" I asked getting worried. "we need to talk" he seriously said. I nodded and got outside to talk.

1566 words. To be continued. If anyone reads this, hello! :)
This is the second elmax story that I've started!

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