Chapter 1

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   It had been about three years after the grabber had died. I was in a spooky cabin, around the fire with the group.

Vance in front of me, Robin on my right, Billy on my left, Finney next to Robin , Bruce next to Vance and Billy , Griffin next to Gwen and Vance, Gwen next to Griffin and Donna , and Donna Finney.

    "So since we're all here since Vance Decided to go to the woods and drag us to this abandoned cabin." Griffin says.

     "I think Vance should sleep in the room that's filled with paintings!" Griffin finish's sounding pissed. "Ouch what fuck did I do to you!" Vance says.

   "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I asked trying not to laugh. "Y/N this is why your with Billy ?" Vance says clearly pissed.

   "What the hell does this have with him?" I say jokingly. "I know you haven't made out with anyone!" Vance says. "For you information I have!" I say crossing my arms acting mad. "Sureee."

Vance says. "Yes I have and I will have more!" I say putting my arms on my hips. "No you won't." Vance argues. "You haven't had your first kiss so shut up!" I argue back

"FUCK YOU!" Vance shouts laughing. "THANK YOU, A LOT OF PEOPLE WANNA FUCK ME!" I shout laughing. "Oh my god." Bruce says putting his hands on his face. "NO ONE DOES YOU BITCH!" Vance shouts

"JÓDETE, POR ESTO SIGUES VIRGEN, PEQUEÑA PERRA!" I shout causing Robin to choke on the soda he was drinking.

"THE HELL YOU JUST SAY!" Vance shouts confused. "I SAID FUCK YOU, THIS IS WHY YOU'RE STILL A VIRGIN YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I shout laughing my ass off and the others start laughing in amusement of the argument.

"YOU'RE THE ONE TO SPEAK!" Vance shouts "OKAY ENOUGH!" Donna says laughing. "ok!" I say and sit down laughing. "No more Spanish!" Vance says crossing his arms. "It's not my fault it slipped out!" I say crossing my arms.

I stretch my legs on to Vance and he pushes them off. I roll my eyes and throw a popcorn at him, as he speaks to Bruce and Billy.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" Vance shouts and throws a popcorn at me. I start to smile and throw another on at him. He threw another back, in no time everyone was throwing popcorn at each other.

    We all were laughing and smiling, it one of those moments you wish would never end or if you could just freeze time and never continue. We all stopped after an hour I believe. Donna or me would take turn taking pictures of everyone with my polaroid camera.

     "We should make this a clubhouse!" I said getting the idea. "Yeah!" Griffin agreed and so did the others.

   We all slept in the living room that night.  By the next morning we brought brooms and cleaning stuff. The cabin was small about 3 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room.

    Me, Billy, Gwen, and griffin all cleaned the kitchen, while Finney and Donna did the bathroom, Bruce did the bedrooms, and Vance and robin did the living room.

    You could hear Vance and Robin arguing on what cleaning supply was better. I rolled my eyes when they asked me for some help.

    I picked the one neither of them thought of. It shut their mouths for a little until they argued about something else.

    I grabbed my  Polaroid camera and walked around taking pictures of everyone. I even caught Finney and Donna kissing.

Once my flash went off and I already had the photo Finney saw and chased after me. I ran to Billy and he held me in his arms.

Finney stopped and smirked. Billy placed his lips gently on mine and we kissed. For the rest of the day the Everyone won't stop teasing us as we sat in a circle around the fire again. I sat on the couch with billy lay on my lap, I played with his hair as we got teased.

"Y/N and Billy sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G, First comes love, Second comes marriage, Third comes the baby in the baby carriage!" Gwen sung.

"How about you guys tease Donna and Finney!" I say smirking. Everyone turns to them, "why they didn't do anything?" Griffin says, "yeah they did, they kissed in the bathroom and I have proof!" I say holding up the Polaroid picture.

They all looked at it and Finney and Donna turned red. Then everyone teased them, I looked down at billy and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. We all ended up falling asleep in the clubhouse again.

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