Chapter 42

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      I woke up to someone lightly shaking me, I opened my eyes to see Billy. I got up and billy wrapped his arm around my waist.

    I place my head on to his chest as we walked. I walk in to see everyone ready to carve their pumpkins.

I sit down next to robin and Vance. Billy sits in front of me. Henry sits on my lap as I help him carve his pumpkin. "I'm going to name him panda." Henry whispers in my ear.

Billy pulls out my old Polaroid camera and starts talking pictures with it. We got one of Donna laughing as she put pumpkins seeds on Finney's head.

Another one of Vance kissing Bruce since Bruce was mad at him since he was talking to another guy at a party.

Then there was Robin running away from me since I had pumpkin seeds in my hand. Then there's one of Henry making a disgusted face as he felt the inside of the pumpkin.

After a few hours everyone had to go home. The house had been cleaned before they left. I gently put Henry into his bed.

"Goodnight mijo." I say and kiss his forehead, I assume he had fallen asleep before I put him down.

Billy comes in and wraps his arms around my waist, "I think we are doing good." He said and I nodded.

We go upstairs and into my room.

I awoke and Remembered that it's Halloween. I took some old sheets and cut some holes into them for eyes.

I placed it on the couch when I went down, i then cooked breakfast Henry and billy come down right before I finished.

I placed the food on plates and we ate, "ok so are we going to movies all day until it's time to trick or treat?" I asked.

"Of course." Billy says and with that we all sat down and turned on the tv and watched movies until it's 7 so we get changed into our costume.

"Are you ready?" I asked and we exited the house and saw the others and Jules and her mom. We all went to houses and got candy.

We got some weird looks but we are trying to teach Henry about trick or treating. Once we are done we go home and change into pjs.

    Jules was going to stay the night while her mom worked. So Jules changed in the bathroom.

    The others had stayed and changed as well so now we are in a circle. We all dump out our candy and give the ones we don't want to someone who does.

     "Do we get pizza tonight?" Henry says and yawns. He lays on my lap as Jules falls asleep on my lap too. I play with there hair as we all talk.

    "Man remember that haunted house we went to?" Robin says, "yeah I mean Billy and Finney basically shit themselves when we played the Ouija board." I say and laugh.

We continue to laugh and joke for a little while later. Around 9 Billy picks henry up and brings him to his bed.

I pick up Jules and place her on the extra mattress in Henry's room. I kiss Henry's forehead and then I go to me and Billy's room.

I climb into bed and lay down and let darkness take over once more.

    I was in the court, I had a nice outfit on. Henry was sitting in my mamás lap as she bounced her leg. "All rise." Some one says.

    Me and billy stand as well as Henry's parents, "Mrs and Mr Showalter, you are the ones trying to adopt Henry is that correct?" The judge asks.

"Yes ma'am." I say and Billy nods, she then looks at his parents. "And you are Henry's parents?" She asks and they nod.

"According to the social worker there was beer bottles and other open liquor. As well as bruises found from neighbors?" She says while she looked at a paper.

She then looked at his parents with just her eyes. The judge asks a few more questions about where me and billy work and where we live.

"I have come to my final conclusion!" The judge says. "Mr and Mrs Showalter you are now the legal parents of Henry!" She says and I smile widely and Henry comes running over to us.

Billy picks him up smiles widely and we all hug. "YOU CANT TAKE HIM AWAY!" Henry's mom shouts.

We are escorted out to our car, and we drive off back home.

                 I drift off in to another dream.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now