Chapter 68

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    I awake and see that I'm in the back of a van. I look down and see that my hands are tied with rope. " ese hijo de puta." I mumbled.
(that son of a bitch)

I look around to see Donna, Bruce, griffen, Finney, Robin, and Emily. Their hands were also tied, the door of the van door opens. I look at the door and see Albert toss billy in, then I see shaw push Vance who it completely drugged.

"Look who's up?" Shaw says with a smirk, "ve a chupar una polla." I say smirking back.
(go suck a dick)

He seems confused but Albert just slams the door shut. The van drives for a bit then stops, after what feels like for ever the door of the van opens and reveals the young man and Katie.

Katie has Rowan and Vanessa in her arms while the young man has Henry and Jules. Katie roughly puts the twins down while the young man places henry and Jules down softly.

"Randy dad what's us to stay in the back with them to make sure they don't do anything." Katie says and gets in. Randy nods and gets in the back and shuts the door.

The van starts moving again, after a few minutes of silence which I decided to break. "What's with your family kidnapping us?" I ask looking at Katie as I have the twins heads on my lap.

Randy looks away, "I have no clue I just listen to what I'm told to do." Katie spits out with anger. "You know Robin did love you a lot." I say looking at him.

"Yeah well I did what I had to." Katie says. I look away trying to figure out what to say, i ended up just thinking I should wait until Katie fell asleep.

Which it didn't take long probably a hour or so. "So your name is Randy?" I say which causes Randy to look at me. "Yeah." He says just below a whisper.

"How old are you?" I asked, "I'm 16 almost 17." He says. "Oh I thought you were 18." I say then there is silence for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry." Randy says, "for what?" I say although I knew why. "I shouldn't be helping them." He says.

"Then why are you?" I asked look at him as he looks at his sister. "Katie has always taken care of me, our father wasn't the best but I didn't know that until he had taken you guys." He says.

"Did he beat you?" Finney asked and he nodded. I looked over to see him and Donna up. "When dad asked Katie to go after Robin and you guys I begged her not to but she refused to listen since she was scared he would get out of prison and come after us." Randy says as tears form in his eyes.

"When she got arrested I ended up bailing her out and she said that I needed to help dad and grandpa." Randy continued but he started to choke on his tears.

The others where up now, "hey don't cry." Rowan says, "it's okay, we will be ok." Vanessa continues. Randy looks at them in shocked that they had spoke.

"I have a question." Griffin says. Randy looks at him, "are they going after Gwen?" Griffin asked.

"I don't know. They won't tell me anything." Randy's says honestly. Griffin looked down, I crawled over to him and he places his head on my shoulder.

Griffin and Gwen became really close they are like brother and sister. The twins crawl over to me and lay their heads back on my lap and billy comes over.

We all are now cuddling Henry then comes over as well. Robin Emily and Jules, Vance and Bruce, Finney and Donna were cuddling as well.

Katie had her head on Randy's shoulder as she slept, after about another hour we all fell asleep.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now