Chapter 43

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   Billy called the others and we were going to be meeting at the clubhouse. I got Henry changed into his favorite outfit.

     I held his hands and we walked out of his room, "where are we going mommy?" Henry asked. "Somewhere where I use to hang out with your aunts and uncles." I say.

     He just nods and runs to Billy who grabs him and picks him up. "Ready to go kiddo?" He asks.
"YUP LETS GOO." Henry says.

    I laugh and we get into the car. I drive to the parking lot where it would only be a 2 minute Walk to the cabin.

    I get out and billy gets Henry and puts him on his shoulders. "Are we going camping?" Henry asks.

    "Not exactly." I say and let out a soft chuckle. "It's the best type of camping." Billy says, we walk to the cabin and see that everyone is already there.

     "Y/N AND BILLY!"Gwen shouts and gets up and runs to hugs me. We hug and then everyone else comes and hugs us.

     We all sit down in a circle, Henry in my lap. "Ok so last time we were here you guys go wasted." Gwen says.

    "Yeah and?" Vance says "I'm not babysitting!" Gwen says "ok well Vance." I say with an evil smirk.

   "What?" He asks, " are you and Bruce dating?" I ask and they both turn red. "FUCKING FINALLY!" We all shout expected henry who just laughs.

We all just joke around and then Gwen gets an idea. "BRUCE AND VANCE KISS!" Gwen says so we all chant kiss.

For the first time Vance was quite and not swearing at us. Bruce rolls his eyes and just places his one of hands on Vance's cheek.

    He then pulls him into a kiss, "OOO!" We all say. "FUCK YEAH!" Henry shouts and everyone turns and looks at him.

    Everyone try's to hold back a laugh, "Henry don't say that." I say trying not to laugh. "But you guys can?" Henry says.

   "Yeah because we are older." Billy says. "I fucking like this kid even more." Vance says and I turn and glare at him.

    "What the fuck did I do?" Vance questions "you keep swearing Vance." Bruce points out.

    "So? I can do whatever I fucking want." Vance says, so I took one of my shoes and got up. Vance knowing what I was about to do he got up and ran.

    I chased after him and threw my shoe and it hit his head. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Vance says.

      "I CAN CALL YOU WHATEVER I FUCKING WANT!" Vance shouts as I stood up in front of him.

      He grabbed me and threw me on the couch and we start to play fight. We both were laughing and then the others bursted out into laughter.

    "Why do you guys always fight?" Robin says. "I don't know why are you still a fucking virgin." Vance says.

    "Vance your still a virgin too." I point out. Vance shuts up and Bruce looks away with his face kinda pink.

"Wait? You guys had sex?" I ask looking back and forth between Bruce and Vance. They both turn red "holy shit!" Griffin says.

"GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY YOU COCKSUCKERS!" Gwen shouts and everyone give her a 20 dollar bills. "You guys had a fucking bet on us having sex?" Vance says.

"Well we had a bet on how old you would be when you guys lost your virginity." I say. We all just talk and laugh threw out the night and then we went to bed.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now