Chapter 48

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    Today I was at the doctors getting an ultrasound I was laying on the table. I was a little nervous, but billy was there holding my hand and Henry's was next to him holding his hand.

The door opened revealing the doctor. "Hello, I'm doctor miller and I'll be the one doing the ultrasound." Doctor Miller says.

"Is it safe for the baby?" I ask only since it's a new and I don't want the baby to be hurt. "It won't trust me we've done this before." Dr. Miller says.

    I nod, "can you please lift your shirt please" Doctor Miller says and I lift it up. A nurse comes in as well.

     They place a gel on my stomach and I flinch due to the coldness of it. They take a transducers and place on my stomach.

I heard the baby's heartbeat, the doctor looks at us. After a few minutes he wipes the gel off.

   "Congratulations your having twins!" Dr Miller says.

My eyes widened and billy looks down at me, I look up at him and smile.

Billy leans down and wraps his arms around me. "Twins?" Henry asks. "Two baby's Henry." I say.

"I have TWO SIBLINGS?" He says, "yup." I say. "BUT THEN I HAVE TO SPLIT MY PIZZA!"henry.

     Me and billy laugh as Henry smiles. "Yes you will have to spilt you pizza." I say sitting up. I got up and billy held my hand and Henry holding my other hand.

We walked out and got to the car, I went to take out my keys but Billy beat me to it.

"You are not driving." Billy says. "Why not?" I say giving him a serious look. "You are carrying my two children." He says seriously.

   "Yeah but I'm only 7 weeks pregnant." I point out. "Yeah and I want to drive." He says and I roll my eyes and buckle Henry in.

    I then go into the passenger seat and Billy drives away. Once we get home I go to the kitchen and start to cook.

     "Love, I'll cook you go sit." Billy says, "fine but when I am 6 or more months pregnant I expect you to cook, mi amor." I say and he nods.

      I sit on the couch with Henry who gets up and lays his head on my stomach. "I hear them!" Henry says. I laugh and play with his hair.

    "Can Jules come over tomorrow?" Henry asks, "of course." I say he smiles and kisses my belly. I turn and see Billy smiling.

      After about an hour he foods done, Billy brings the plates of food and Henry sits up.  Henry grabs his plate and I grab mine, Billy grabs his and we all eat while watching tv.

    Around 8 Billy puts Henry to bed, and I doze off and fall asleep on the couch. I feel someone pick me up bridal style.

     I feel us go up the stairs and then I feel the bed gently hit my back. I roll onto my side and then I feel the bed sink and Billy wrapping his arms around me.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now