Chapter 19

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    Thank you @harnoldluvxx for the idea

It was about 12 in the morning, and I heard a voice. "No." Some one whispers softly, the person says and tosses and turns.

    I get up and see Robin tossing and turning whispering No over and over.  I walk over to robin and sit down next to him and lightly shake him.

   "Stop!" He says raising his voice. I started to shake him hard. "No!" He shouted "Robin wake up!" I say at this point everyone was up.

"STOP IT!" Robin says and jolts up and I quickly back up. Robin frantically looks around the room, "where is he?" Robin says with a panicked voice.

"It's okay!" Vance says and I pull him in to a hug. "Their dead, it's okay." I say trying to sooth him.

Robin just cried in my arms and Vance came over and hugged him to. "Robin it's going to be ok." Griffin says and rubs his back. Everyone was gathered around in a circle.

"Robin remember the time you helped me dig and I forgot there was a hole and I fell through?" Bruce says and Robin laughs and everyone smiles.

"Or the time I fell flat on my face with billy?" Finney adds. "O! Or the time I accidentally punched you well we were practicing." Griffin continues. At this point we where laugh or chuckling.

"I fell off my bike looking for you, and I got a cut that left a scar." Gwen says showing her scar on her knee.

     Robin laughs, "remember when we where having a sleepover with Finney and Gwen and you picked me up and twirled me around until you got dizzy and you dropped me." I say and we all laugh and talked about memories.

(Sorry this is short it's more of a filler chapter)

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