Chapter 51

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     I awoke to people squirming in between me and Billy. I move over and open my eyes I see Jules and Henry coming over to cuddle with us.

    Jules cuddled up next to as Henry cuddled up next to Bill. I look over to the alarm clock on my nightstand and see it's 3am.

     I end up closing my eyes and falling back to sleep.

    I was on a rock with my sketch pad. I look up to see Billy and his dog. Billy was on the soft sand in his swimming shorts hugging Harper.

    He was smiling and I  was sketching them with the gorgeous sunset and the calming sea. I feel happy, I feel an arm wrap around me and I see that I was so focused on the sketch that I hadn't heard him calling my name.

      Billy picks me up and puts me on his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN BILLY!" I shouted. "NO!" He says and Harper starts barking.


    I was laughing so hard and so was he, "FINE YOU WIN PAPERBOY!" I say and he puts me down. I look up into his blue eyes and he leans down and kisses me.

   I kiss back and I feel butterflies in my stomach. We pull back to breath, we stare into each other eyes until Harper starts to bark.

     I laugh and bend down to Harper and I hug her. "Wanna race?" I ask Billy and Harper.
"YES!" Billy shouts so I get into a running position.

"3...2..1!" I shout and we take off running. We run around the beach until I reach a rock to and Harper is right behind me.

I sit down on the rock and Harper sits down next to Me. I see billy slowly making his way to us.

Billy finally makes it to us and kisses me. "You finally made it." I say and laugh and he rolls his eyes and then he laughs too.

I then wake up and see the to kids asleep in both my arms. I get up and saw a note that I assumed Billy had written.

    Hey love, As you know I have work. But I'm going to have to work a double today so I'll see you guys tomorrow.
                                              -Sincerely Your amor

    I sighed since he had to go to work, But I'll live. I looked out the window and saw that it had snowed. After I stared out the window for a while I went down stairs and start to cook breakfast. Jules and Henry came down and sat in living room.

     I finished cooking and brought the kids some breakfast. We ate and then I heard the door bell go off and I open it and see Griffin.

He has tears in his eyes and he's face was stained with tears. I immediately pulled him into a hug.

"What's wrong?" I ask pulling away a little only to see his face. "I don't know I was walking and I remembered how we all used to hangout and now you pregnant and I missed you guys although we saw each other last night and my moms always gone and I felt alone." He rambled.

"Hey, hey it's okay you can come and see me whenever you want." I said and he nodded, "I'll try and be around more often." I say.

I don't know why but i had like a motherly feeling when I saw Griffin crying. "Wanna go out and draw at the park like we used to?" I asked and he smiled and nodded.

I let him in and i the kids went and changed and so did I. I went back down and helped the kids put on there jackets.

     I put on some snow boots and a jacket and grabbed my sketch book. "Griffin do you have your sketch book or do you want on of the ones I haven't used?" I asked.

    "I have mine." He replied I nodded and got into the driver's seat.  I drove to the park and parked.

    We got out and me and griffin wiped the snow off the swings and sit down. Henry and Jules play while me and Griffin draw.

After about an hour we headed home and I got in took off my coat and shoes then we changed into pjs and I gave griffin a him one of Billy's shirts and pants. I sat down and Jules came over and cuddled up next to me.

Jules has come over almost everyday since her mom is always working and I'm a stay at home mom for now.

Henry cuddled up to my other side and Griffin came and sat down as well. I turn on the tv and we watched until we fell asleep. Well everyone but me.

I got up slowly and then I picked up Henry and brought him to his bed and tucked him in. I then went back and picked up Jules and put her on the extra bed that was in Henry's room.

I then woke up griffin and he got up and I showed him to the Guest bedroom. He plopped down and fell asleep.

I went to me and Billy's room and fell asleep.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now