Chapter 25

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      "Yes! Yes I will!" I say and he puts the ring on me and then lifts me up and kisses me. We kiss for a few seconds and then he places me back down.

We are both smiling, "I've got a question." I say, "okay?" He says. "Did you get Gwen and Donna in on this?" I ask and he smirks, "yes I did." He says and I laugh and so does he. "So that's why the left for no reason." I say still laughing.

We continue to talk but we do sit down on the couch.  Billy stretches his legs out and I'm stay in between his legs. I lay my head on his chest.

We laid there in silence a comfortable silence. The the front door opens, causing me and billy to sit up to see who it is.

To our surprise we see Finney and Donna making out. My eyes widened and I look at Billy who is trying not to laugh.

I get up and billy follows me, I go over to the light switch and I turn it on. Finney and Donna stop kissing and look at us.

Me and billy are trying not to laugh. "Hi?" Donna says awkwardly. "Hey." I say and bursting out in laughter.

     Finney and Donna are a blushing mess. "We'll leave you guys alone." I say and billy agrees so we leave them to do whatever.

      Billy drives us to my house and we go in. Vance and Robin are in the living room watching a movie.

      "So how did it go?" Robin asks, "wait you knew?" I ask "duh." Vance says "he asked us if he could marry you." Robin say and mama comes in.
She looks down at my hand and her face lights up.

She lets out a squeal and rushes over "and you said he'd never like you." She say grabbing my hand looking at the ring.

"Mamá I said he'd never ask me out." I corrected, "same thing Mija." She said and we walked over to the couch. Me and billy sat down while mom didn't.

     "Mija can you knock some sense into your brothers since my chanclas isn't enough for them." She says "what did they do this time?" I asked sarcastically.

    "siguen metiéndose en peleas y me estoy quedando sin paciencia con ellos" she says in Spanish
(they keep getting in fights and I'm running out of patience with them)

       I laugh, "MAMÁ." They both shout. "no es el momento." Vance says in Spanish "your Spanish is improving, but not to change the subject you both need to stop." I say "but they are shit talking." Robin says (not the time)

        "Robin basta de palabrotas!" Mamá says. We all laugh well bill looks confused.
(Robin enough swearing)

"Mom told me that they got into another fight and she wants me to knock some sense into them. She also told Robin to quit swearing." I explain to billy.

He face changed as he now understood. "Anyways." Mamá said and came over to me and billy and sat down on a chair across us.

        Me and Billy look at each other confused, and then look back at mom. "So when do I get grandchild?" She asked "MAMÁ." I say and Vance and robin choked on there drinks.

        Billy just chuckles, he fucking chuckled. I slowly look at him. "What?" I asks. "Nothing."He say. I roll my eyes at him, "okay time for bed." Mamá says taking the remote and turning of the tv.

"Mamá we were watching that!" Robin says. "Robin don't you dare argue with me." Mamá says. "But Mamá." Robin try's to argue.

"Robin, eso es todo! irás a tu habitación en este instante!" Mamá says and Robin and Vance get up and leave. (Robin that's it you will go to your room this Instant)

I get up and so does billy and we walk to my room. We change into some pjs and lay down and cuddle up together. Once again I was lulled to sleep by his heartbeat.

Around 12 at night we heard a bang. Causing me and billy to wake up. I feel my heartbeat pick up and I start to breathe heavy but me and Billy get up and ran to Robins room where we heard the noise.

We burst into Robins room same with Vance and Mamá. We see Katie and Robin laying on his bed. "What the fuck." Vance says which causes Mamá to hit the back of his head.

"So you guys are dating." I say smiling. Robin just nods and so does katie. "Yes!" I say excitedly.

"20 bucks now." I say and Mamá and Vance pay up. "You guys had a bet on us?" Robin questions. "Yes, from the moment we meet Katie." I explained

       "Well good night." I say and walk back to my room with billy behind me and we go back to my bed and fall asleep.

(What month do you want to get married in?)

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now