Chapter 32

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We all got into the water and Henry went onto my back. I felt someone grab Henry.

Henry screamed and got thrown into the water which he swam back up.

    I turned and saw Vance was the one who threw him. Then I got picked up and thrown. I swam back up to see Henry laughing and splashing Gwen.

    Bruce went over to them and tapped Henry and shouted "TAG!". Henry went after Gwen who splashed him and swam to griffin.

    Henry tagged Griffin and then Griffin swam to me but I swam away.

  Well kinda Griffin grabbed my ankle and pulled me "Tag!" He says so I went after Robin and got him and dunked him under the water.

   We continue to play for an hour so it was around 10 am. "HOLY SHIT! THERES A FAIR TONIGHT!" Gwen shouts as if none of us are near her.

"We can go if you guys want." Billy says and everyone says yes so we are going to be going around 4.

We play Marco Polo for another hour when we decided to get out. I sat on the towel while griffin laid in my lap.

I played with his hair, "any new drawing?" Griffin asked I hum a response and take it out of my shorts pocket and hand it to him.

I drew a picture of all of us and added Henry to it yesterday. "Wow, this is good." He says. "Your acting as if you've never seen my drawings." I replied.

    He just chuckles I turn and look at Finney chasing Gwen and Henry. Griffin hands me back the drawing and gets up since Vance was calling him over.

    Not a second later billy comes over and lays down on my lap.

   I just softly laugh, Robin comes over and sits down next to me. "Man I love that kid." Robin says.

   "I do too." Billy says. Around 3 we start to pack up and leave.

We get to my house and Henry changes into something comfy as do all of us. Donna, Katie, and Gwen change into some of my clothes.

   We all wear something comfy, "I can't believe you and billy have a kid and just got married." Donna says.

     "Oh hush." I say, I mean I would love to adopt Henry but I doubt billy would. "Let's go." Katie says and we walk out.

   "So Katie, you and Robin?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows up and down. She just rolls her eyes, and Robin comes over and places his arm on her shoulder.

     "What are you talking about?" Robin asks. "You and Katie." Gwen simply answers.

   "What about us?" Robin asks. "Nothing!" Katie quickly answers. Robin goes to push it farther, "Robin go get the money for the fair." I jump in and he shrugs and gets it.

    We all head to the fair, Me, and billy in one car since we Billy wanted to talk in private.

   The others in Vances while Robin and Katie in Robins. "I was wondering if we'll maybe." Billy started but couldn't get it out.

    "I was wondering if we could adopt um.." he started again "adopt Henry?" I ask and he nods but keeps his eyes on the road.

    "I wanted to ask you but I didn't think you would um. Want to." I say and he looks at me quickly but turns back to the road.

   "Of course I would says yes! I love that kid." Billy says "I know I just wasn't sure." I say.

   We get to the fair and he hugs me, then kisses my forehead. Henry comes running over and hugs us both.

    I picked Henry up although he was 7 he was light. He I hold him on my hip as he side hugs me.

   "What ride do you want to go on first?" I ask and he point to the fun house so that's where we went once we got in.

   I put Henry down and he ran into the fun house with me and Billy following the others went to get something to eat.

   Once we got to the mirrors part henry grabbed onto me and Billy's hand.

   "I wanna go back!" Henry says "we can't kiddo we have to go forward." Billy says but henry starts to cry and into my side.

   I kneeled down to him, "look at me." I say and he looks up. "We need to be brave." I say he just stares at me.

    "We need to be brave so we can get cotton candy and ice cream and pizza." I say and he smiles and with that we continue.

   Once we get out, we find the others who are sitting down with food and we go and sit down with them.

   "PIZZA!" Henry shouts and I grab a plate and give him a slice. The others laugh at his excitement to a slice of pizza.

  Once we're done eating we go on more rides and the the ferris wheel.

   Me, Billy, and Henry on one, "Henry do you know what adoption means?" Billy asked.

   Henry nods "it's when other people take other kids who's parents don't want them, like me." He says blankly.

   "Are you going to adopt me!?" He asks excitedly. "We are thinking about it." I say "it will be a long thing before we can full adopt you." Billy says.

   After that we got off and walked around for a little while longer.

   Around 7 Henry had gotten tired and I ended up carrying him since the others had there hands full with stuffy's.

   I put Henry in the car seat that I had, and buckled him in. I got into the passenger seat and billy drove.

   I fell asleep and woken up when the car stopped. "I'll get him you go to bed." Billy says gently placing his hand on mine.

   I nodded and got up and went into the house and changed and Billy brought Henry into our room.

   Billy changed into his pjs and Henry also woke up and changed and the got into bed with me. We all cuddled up and fell asleep within minutes.

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