Chapter 24

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      It's about 12 in the afternoon Everyone except Donna and Gwen had left, Since they wanted an girl day but just us. I have no clue why we have to again.

   "Why aren't we hangout with the others anymore?" I ask "I don't know I kinda just want it to be a girls week." Donna says

   "Okay." I say "well let's go eat and then go to the beach and walk around!" Donna says and with that we go to the car and Donna goes to the driver seat and me and Gwen sit were we usually do and we drive off.

    I let out a sigh, "what?" Gwen says smiling. "Nothing just thinking about billy"
   "Someone's madly in love." Gwen teases  "she has been for like 7 years." Donna says "ok actually 5 since today is when we got together." I say smiling stupidly remembering our date.

   They just roll their eyes, "how are you and Finney doing?" I ask Donna, "we are doing good." She says turning a bit pink.

  "Make out yet?" I ask. "Yeah they have its gross." Gwen says and I laugh and look at Donna who has turned red.

    "Oh shut up!  Y/N, you and Billy have made out many times!" Donna says "yes we have." I say.

    After a few minutes we arrived. We are seated at an booth Donna and Gwen at one side and me on the other, "so what are we going to do tonight?" I ask and they both look at each other.

"We are going to party!" Donna says and starts Dancing in her seat. Me and Gwen start laughing, "stop it your embarrassing me!" Gwen says laughing and Donna stops and laughs.

The waitress comes and takes our orders and leaves, "so Gwen do you have a crush?" I say wiggling my eyebrows up and down. "What! No!" She says turning a little pink. "Bullshit!" I say and Gwen looks away and looks out the window.

After a few minutes of teasing the waitress comes back with the food, and placed it down on the table and we begin to eat.

~Time Skip~

     We finish eating, and leave money at the booth. We walk back to the car, Donna gets into the driver's seat and I sit on the passenger seat. We head off to the beach.

        Once we got there, "oh shit!" Gwen says, "what?" I ask and Donna looks at her then me. "We forgot to do something." Donna says, "ok?" I say questionably. "I know Billy's here, he right there." Gwen says and points to billy.

       "We got to go now bye." They say and leave without a second thought. "Okay?" I mumbled and walked over to billy.

       "Hey." I say and he looks at me. "Hi, fancy seeing you here." He says.

     "Yeah I got ditched I was told i was going to be having a girls day, but then they had to leave so I got stuck here." I say and billy try's not to laugh.  I have no clue what was funny but I could care less.

      "Well wanna hangout?" He asks "i don't know paperboy? Should I?" I ask smirking. "I think you should, love." He says smirking back.

      "Then I will paperboy." I say missing calling him that. "Come on." He says and grabs my wrist.  It's around 5 in the evening, so we go and watch a movie, we chose to watch poltergeist for some reason.

        After that billy dragged me off to our place. Which was the open spot with trees around it.

    "Man I haven't been here in a while." I say which is true since the second time we got kidnapped I haven't really traveled anywhere alone especially in the woods.

      "Well your here now so let's make the most of it." Billy says and I chuckled and we when and he sat down and pulled me to down on to his lap.

    "So why here?" I ask him as we looked at the sky "well we used to come here after we watched a movie." Billy said and I smiled at the memories for this place. "We came here after our first date." I point out.

           "Yeah and boy where you scared for the movie." He says. "No I wasn't." I say looking at him and nudge him in the side. "Sure." He say looking down at me smirking.

          "Whatever." I say and he kisses me. "I love you." He says and I just stare into his eyes. "I love you to." I say back with a smile.

         We continue to talk for an hour until we realize it's dark out. "Wanna stay at the clubhouse until morning?" He offers, "sure." I say and smile.

         We walk to the clubhouse and Billy knocks 3 times to see if anyones there although he only had to do it once.

           We walk in since no one answered,  we walked into the living room.

     "I'll be right back." Billy says and I stay standing only because I couldn't really see.

    The only light was the fire place the billy had lighten. I stood next to it feeling it's warmth.

      Billy comes in and stand in front of me. He seems nervous about something. "Y/N." He starts but stops trying to find what to say or what to do.

         He kisses me and then goes down on one knee. 'Oh shit', I think to myself 'he's going to propose' I think again at this point my eyes are wide.

    "Y/N, will you do the honor of marrying me?" He asks and I feel my cheeks heat up.

(A/N: it took me a while to figure out how he's going to ask.)

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now