Chapter 17

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We got to the clubhouse and I ran and got blankets. I ran down and made a makeshift bed. Vance went down to the basement to get lanterns.

Robin went to get candy with Finney and Gwen. At this point in time we have a buddy system unless we are at home. Billy left to get Griffin, Bruce, and Donna.

I got up and started to pop popcorn in a jiffy pop. Mom was out getting stuff for breakfast well she was going to make it and bring it to us tomorrow, none of us would eat eggs after what happened.

We also stayed away from soda, well only certain ones. A few minutes later Vance came up the stairs, and the door opens revealing Finney, Robin, Donna, Gwen, Griffin, Billy, and Bruce.

"Hey everyone!" I saying greeting them. I hugged everyone and placed the freshly popped popcorn in a bowl. Everyone sat in a circle and I sat next to Vance and Robin with billy in front of me.

"So wanna play truth or dare?" Donna suggested. We all say ok, I already know it's mainly going to be dares.

    "Alright Vance truth or dare?" Donna asks. "Dare Im not a fucking pussy like you fuckwads." Vance says causing me to roll my eyes.

     "Harsh as ever, anyways I dare you to." She pause standing up. "Hold on I'll go get it." She says and walks out of the room.

   "Oh god what do you think she getting?" I say. "Probably a photo of a girl Vance uses practice kissing."Bruce says.

   "I can fucking hear you." Vance says annoyed. "What if she's getting black mail." Griffin says.

    "Okay first off Pinball over here has a lot of thing that could be used as black mail." I say. "Yeah like what?" Vance asks harshly.

"Like you singing in bathroom doing you hair." I say and every one looks shocked, Finney even stopped chewing his chip he had and I took out my camera and took a picture of Finney. Vance just rolled his eyes.

Donna comes back in with a bottle of hot sauce. "Okay let's continue. I dare you Vance to drink as much hot sauce as you can." She says sitting down and slides the hot sauce to him which I take a picture of.

    "Easy." Vance says and grabs the bottle and opens it. There where some ooo's going around. Vance drink a little less than half a bottle and puts it down and I take a picture of him drinking it.

    "Can't take any more heat?" I teased. "Shut up!" Vance says, he gets up and runs to the kitchen, Me, Donna, Billy, Bruce follow. I take two photos of him drinking the water out of the faucet.

     He raises his hand to block the camera so his big hands in the view of the one of the photos I took. "Move your fat hand off my camera." I say causing everyone to laugh. Vance stuck up the middle finger and I took a picture.

    . Billy came behind me and hugged me, Donna took my camera and billy gave me a kiss on the cheek and I laughed, causing Donna to take a photo.

I turn to face him and I kiss him on the lips and Donna takes another photo. "I am so going to show this to your future kids." Donna says and Gwen snatch's the camera and the photos from Donna.

   "How about you kiss my brother." Gwen says wiggling her eyebrows up and down.  I nod agreeing and Donna turns a bright red.

      "How about we go back to the game." Vance says saving Donna. We all head back to the living room, "so what took you guys so long?" Finney asks, I look at Donna and so does Gwen.

    "Nothing!" Donna says and sits down next to Finney. "Yeah nothing." Robin says sarcastically, although he wasn't in the room he took a guess on what happened.

    Gwen sneaks the pictures into my back pocket, and we sat down. "Bruce truth or dare?" Vance asks continuing the game. "Truth." Bruce says confidently, which catch's Vance off guard.

      I laugh at Vance's face and I decided to take a picture. "Can you stop taking pictures of me." Vance says "aww but you make the most funny faces." I say fake pouting.

    "Whatever, Bruce do you have a crush?" Vance asks obviously bored that Bruce picked truth. Bruce turns a little red. There where some oh's, "Bruce has a crush." Me, Gwen, Donna, and Griffin say teasing him.

     "Yes, yes I do have a crush." Bruce says trying to move on from the question. "Donna truth or dare?" Bruce asks smirking. "Dare!" Donna says which kinda was a shock since she almost always picks truth.

   "I dare you to kiss Finney." Bruce say smirking, while Donna and Finney turn red. "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" Gwen Griffin and me chant while the others clap.

    Donna gets up and so does Finney and they kiss and I take a picture. Everyone say ooo, "there." Donna says and sits down and so does Finney, Finney was a blushing mess, while Donna seem happy.

      "Y/N truth or dare?" Donna asks smirking.

(Cliffhanger and should she pick truth? Or should she pick dare?)

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