Chapter 23

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The others well except robin were up and talking/whispering. I could care less only since it's me and robins birthday so I'm going to be 18 while the others already where since it had already past.

     We where either in the basement or out at the park celebrating. My eyes flutter open seeing Billy's not there. I look up and see the others talking to each other in a circle.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask and they turn around. "Nothing!" They say in unison. "Bullshit but whatever." I say and get up and get a bowl and pour cereal and milk in it.

"Y/N wanna have a girls day and robin can come?" Donna asks. "Didn't we have that yesterday?" I say. "Yeah but we won't have school today and Robin would be coming!" Donna says with puppy eyes. "Fine." I say acting annoyed.

     With that Donna dragged me upstairs and tossed me onto my bed. "What are you doing?" I ask as Donna digs throw my closet. "Looking for a cute outfit." Donna says

       "It's only a girls day?" I say and Gwen comes up in cute shirt and shorts. "When did you get those?" I ask confused since gwen didn't really every dress up. "I've had them." She says and Donna pulls out an outfit.

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(This is the only image I like but you can change it if you want.)

      Donna tosses me the outfit. "Change!" She says and Donna and Gwen leave so I can change which I do.

       "Alright." I say walking out and they drag me and Robin out of the house not before I  kiss billy good bye. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Some where." Donna gets into the driver seat and me in the passenger seat, and Gwen and Robin in the back.

            Donna drives until we get to the mall. "Let's go!" She says jumping out of the car and me and Gwen follow.

           "Where to first?" I ask. "Record store!" Gwen says and runs into it and me and Donna laugh and follow her.

     She grabs to disks and only shows Donna. "Okay why are me and Robin getting left out?" I ask. "What! No you guys aren't!" Gwen says "then what disks did you get?" I ask "it a surprise." Gwen says.

       I shrug it off and we wander to other stores and to the food court. By the time we where done I had to bags and Donna had one and Gwen had three.

      It was around 3 o'clock, so we headed to my house. "I'm so tired." I complained "it's only 3
Y/N." Donna said. "Yeah but the Sandals you gave me are killing." I whined "oh quit complaining!" Gwen says and Donna agrees.

       After about 10 minutes we are back to my house oddly enough the lights were out. We get out and walk to my door. Donna and Gwen are whispering to each other in front of me.

       Donna opens the door and the lights turn on, "SUPRISE!" Everyone shouts. I stand in shock see Vance dress up kinda with the others robin wanders off after seeing someone.

    Billy comes over and kisses me and I close my eyes and place my hands on his cheeks and he wraps his arms around my waist.

         "Happy birthday." Billy says once we pull apart. "Okay okay enough swapping spit I want you to meet some one." Robin says and I look at him confused.

          "Y/N meet Katie." Robin says. "Hi." She says smiling. "Hi." I say and return the smile. "Happy 18th birthday." She says. "Thank you." I say and with that we all ate and partied.

     Around 12 we all headed to bed, everyone slept down stairs except me and billy. We both cuddled up next to each other.

    I look at him well he looked down at me with my head on his shoulder. We leaned in and kissed.

      "Good night love." He says once we pull away. "Good night mi amor." I say before I let myself fall asleep.

(Should I have Vance and Bruce get together?)

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