Chapter 31

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    "You can stay with us for now." I say and smile. He nods and we smile, "that would be nice." He says and lays his head on my and falls asleep.

     I play with his hair and we are released and able to go home. Mom comes and pick us up and she drops everyone off and then we go home.

    I let Henry sleep with me and Billy. He sleeps in between us, I can't sleep so I get u, and go down stairs. Turn on the tv only for the news to be on and broadcasting what happened.

   I flip through a few stations and see Texas chainsaw massacre on. Everyone comes down except Henry, "cant sleep either?" I ask and they nod

    We all watch the tv and stay up until I hear a scream. Me and billy jump up and run up stairs to see Henry crying and scared.

    I go over and wrap my arms around him and play with his hair. Billy turned on the nightlight and sat down next to us.

   "It's okay buddy." He says. "does it ever go away?" He asks.

   "It won't go away but it will get better eventually." I say  "good things can come out of it." Billy says and smiles.

   "Yeah me and billy didn't confess our feelings towards each other until it happened and now we are married." I say and he smiles.

     I lay back down with him and so does billy and we share stories until we fall asleep.

    It's around 8 o'clock  in the morning when we wake up. Billy's in the middle and I'm on his right and Henry on his left.

   I slowly got up but Henry woke up and clung to my side. So I wrapped my arm around him, and went down stairs. I cooked some pancakes with bacon while Henry still was at my side.

  A few minutes later I turn and see a note saying Vance was at Bruce's. Everyone came down and i served them their plates and we all ate.

"Wanna go to the beach?" I ask. "Sure." Billy agrees and Henry nods. So we go and get ready Henry stuck to Billy's side while I changed into a one piece and put on shorts.

"HAS ANYONE CALLED THE OTHERS?" I shout and I get a corse of no's. So I dialed everyone and invited them.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now