Chapter 20

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   It's about 10 o'clock, i woke up on the couch in Billy's arms. Everyone was still asleep shockingly, so I got up and brushed my teeth.

    If you are wondering we got the place a little fixed up and there is electrical and plumbing in the cabin. Once I finished brushing my teeth I walked back to the living room

Once I got there everyone had already woken up. "So what are we doing to day?" Griffin asked. "We could go to the lake?" Gwen suggested.

"Sure." We all agreed since we haven't been there in a while. Everyone went their separate was in the cabin and got changed into their swimsuits.

We walked out into the woods, "I'm glad we're doing this, instead of hanging out at the arcade or being at the grab n go since Vance needs to make out with the pinball machine." Finney says.

" shut the fuck up I don't make out with the fucking thing!" Vance says. "Yes you do." Gwen and Bruce says and they take off running with Vance chasing after them.

Everyone starts laughing their ass off at them. "They are fucking idiots." I say "well no shit." Robin says. We exit the woods and are on the sidewalk walking towards my car.

      I look behind me to see a van, my breath starts to quicken, my eyes begin to fill with water. I begin to shake until I feel two arms wrap around me.

      My eyes widened as and I try to pull away. "NO!"I shout trying to pry myself away from the arms around me.

     "Hey, hey it me." The person says which I quickly recognize to be billy. The Robin walks infront of me and my attention is moved from the van.

      "He." Is all I could get out, Robin looked at me confused. "He was right there!" I say looking back at where the van was. "Who was?" Robin says looking at were my gaze was.

      "I-I. H-he." I stumbled on my words. I relaxed, "never mind." I say and look down. Billy loosens his grip on me, "let's just go." I say looking down and pull away from billy and walk away.

Billy ran up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Love, you okay?" Billy asked, I looked up at him and stopped in front of him.

       I hugged him and cried, I hated crying now, I told myself I'd never cry for a stupid thing again. But here I am crying for no reason.

   Well I guess there is a reason I mean it just that van, it sent me back to that fucked up basement. I was there with them for a few months the recent time, I hugged onto Billy tightly and he did the same.

     "I'm sorry." I said and repeat until I was cut off. "It's okay." Billy said and I pull away a little but I'm still in his arms, and I look up. "No it's not! I shouldn't react like that! I mean you guys are fine around van!" I say while tears still fall from my eyes.

      "Everyone's different, I react like this went I see someone holding a belt." Billy says "I cry when ever I see a mask." Griffin says.

"I panic when ever Finney's not home when he says he should be." Gwen says. "I run home whenever I see a van." Vance says "I freak whenever some one drives by me." Finney admits.

"I need someone to walk to the store with me." Robin says. "I can't ride my bike with out feeling like someone's going to take me." Bruce says.

"I have to look out of my car before I leave." Donna says. "See we all freak at something." Billy says. I nod not feeling like saying anything.

     We walk up until we get to the car. I take the drivers side well I was going to drive until billy beat me to it.

So I just sat in the passenger seat. Griffin,Vance, and Gwen jumped into the car before the others, so the others had to take Finney's car.

"You know you could just say your going in my car, you know that right." I say and look behind me. "Yeah but it makes it more fun jumping in." Vance says squished in the middle.

"Whatever Dumbasses." I mumbled but of course they heard me, so Vance hit my head and Gwen kicked my seat. "What! It's the truth!" I say putting my hands up in a surrender stance.

"Your the only Dumbass." Vance says, "mhm sure." I replied. With that we took off down the road.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now