Chapter 16

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Y/N's POV:

     "So Y/N how have the nightmares been?" My therapist says. "They are the same just different places except the new one." I say, she starts taking notes. "Do you want to describe the new one." She says in an emotionless tone.

   "It's a summer day, I'm at an lake with mom, and the group. Everyone decided on going for a swim. I didn't want to go so I sat on a large rock watching them, I felt arms go around me all of a sudden.

     I turned around and saw Billy, I told him I thought he had went for a swim. He said he didn't and he put me on his shoulder

   I told him to put me down and he didn't so I asked again. I turned around and saw Shaw and a van and then the grabber." I explained and began to cry.

    I curled up placing my knees in front of my chest and wrapped my arms around my knees. "I don't wanna talk about it no more." I say holding back tears. "Okay so described the event that happened in the basement."

She say in a calm tone. "No!" I say burying my head in my knees "alright then, why where you beaten in the basement?" She pushed. "STOP IT!" I shouted, "I don't wanna talk about it!" I say crying.

"Y/N you need to talk about it." She say placing her hand on my shoulder. I push it off. "You really wanna know what happened!" I say and glare at her.

She just simply nods, "which one do you want to know about." I ask. "Both." She says. "Well sit back and listen." I say.

Vance's POV:

     Y/N and Robin go into a different rooms while Billy waits. I walk into one of the rooms and see my therapist. Man I hate her, she acts so emotionless it's creepy. "Hello Vance come sit down."'she says and I sit at the only empty chair.

    "So how are you feeling?" She asks "I'm been feeling fine." I say "Vance you need to tell me the truth." She says staring into my soul. "I am." I say raising my voice. "You're not helping yourself!" She say still somewhat emotionless but I could tell she was getting pissed off.

    "Vance you need to be honest so I can help you." She says calming down. "You want to help me! The only people who have help me is the Arellano's!" Vance shouts. The therapist just sits there, "what have they helped you with?" She asks finally getting somewhere.


I sit down next to billy who was just in shrugged it off. "Don't say shit to anyone." I say "I won't you've done this for a month now so I won't your secret is safe with me." Billy says and goes back to reading

Robin's POV:

    Y/N walks into the office with her therapist and I do too. I sit down on the open chair, "how have you been feeling?" She asks, I shrug.

      "Okay then Robin tell me what is it that bothers you?" She asks. "Just Y/N has had been having these nightmares." I say looking down.

    "Ok." She simply says well she takes down notes. "What about you? Have you had any nightmares?" She asks looking up at me with just her eyes. "I guess." I say.

"Tell me about them." She says. "Well ok."

     I'm back at that fucking basement with the group. We are laughing and smiling at Y/N reminding us all how we met.

  The there's a noise, a noise I will never forget. The door is opening, the door opens and shaw is there. He grabbed Y/N who is crying and begging for him to let her go. He tosses her to the floor and takes the belt off and begins to hit her over and over again. 

Then in one swift movement I'm running away with Finney. I assume it was the time we got out of the grabbers house.

I turn and stop to see Finney on the ground and the grabber on top of him. "Go!" Finney shouts and I turn and run, I turn to face him one last time to see the grabber slam his head into the sidewalk.

   Then he gets up and I turn my attention back to what's in front of me I run into the woods. My legs are hurting and there's a burning sensation. I feel an arm grab me and we fall I feel a tear leave my face.

    "Naughty boy." He says and takes off his belt and hits me with it and I cover my face. After a few minutes he grabs my wrist and drags me to the van.

     I'm tossed into the back with Finney already there. I hear the door shut and the I black out. I awake when I feel someone grab my wrist. I'm dragged down to the basement and once I feel the coldness of the floor I full wake up.

~Time Skip~

Y/N's POV:

    I walk out with a tear stained face, Billy gets up seeing my face and runs over. He hugs me and I hug him back. I cry into his chest and Robin come out of a different room done with his sessions.

Vance and Robin come over a pat my back, I turn and hug Vance. "How did I end up with two amazing brothers?" I say and they smile. I turn and look at Billy, "I'm glad your my boyfriend." I say and hug him. He kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter.

"What about my hug." Robin says fake pouting. I laugh and hug him. "I could never forget you even if I wanted to." I say and we laugh.

We all walk out, my hand in Billy's. We all enter the car. I'm in passenger seat and Billy's driving. Vance is looking out the window and Robins is talking our ears off. Every now and then Vance would tell him to shut up.

          I hope this happiness never ends

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now