Chapter 52

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I awoke and Billy was sleeping right next to me. I got up and went down stairs and saw Robin with some breakfast.

I saw Henry, Jules, and Griffin up and eating, I went over and joined them. We all joked and laughed after 10 minutes Billy came down and joined us.

"Good morning mi amor." I say to him and he comes over and kisses me and I kiss back. "Hey Griffin, and Robin." He says and hugs them.

We then start joking and telling the kids our memories of when we were younger.

    "SHIT! We are supposed to meet the Finney and Gwen in 5 minutes to go to the club." I said and Billy looks up. "Fuck I forgot!" Billy said.

    "Fuck Emily's meeting us there!" I say "I could watch them if you want?" Robin says. "You will!?" I say and he nods "thank you some much Ro!" I say and hug him.

     Me and Billy go upstairs and we change and I go out of the room and go downstairs and kiss Henry goodbye and same with Jules.

    Billy comes down and kisses the two goodbye. "Thank you Ro!" I say and Griffin also says goodbye and we leave.

    We arrive at the Blake's and Finney and Gwen get in and we drive off to a club.

Henry's pov

     I sat down next to tío Ro and Jules came running over to and sat down with me. "Do you guys want to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" Tío Ro says.

      "YES!" We shout since we both know our parents wouldn't let us watch it. We begin watching it until we fall asleep.

   I hear a door open and My eyes open and I see a woman I don't remember. She places her hand over my mouth and tapped it.

   I try to scream but it's muffled and I see Jules waking up and the woman covered her mouth and then tapped it.

    She then tied us and tío Ro woke up but she had already tied him up she pointed a gun at him and he was shocked. "Let's go!" She says and we get up and walk out as she had a gun to our head.
One we got to the car she hit Tío Ro with the gun.

     We were already in a car driving off. Me and Jules were in the trunk as Tio Ro was knocked out in the backseat. I was crying and so was she.


      I was dancing when the bartender came over and tapped my shoulder me and him knew each other since we were friends. I gave him a confused look, "your mom is looking for you." He says and we walk to the phone and I pick it up.

     "Mamá?" I asked loudly, "Y/N!" Mamá "Robin and the kids are missing" she says

      I felt my heart drop, I let go of the phone and looked at the bartender. "Billy. I need billy!" I say and he nods and goes to find him.

    Billy comes rushing over same with Finney, Emily, and Gwen. "What's wrong?" Billy asks cupping my face and wiping the tears that i didn't know were there.

       "There gone! Some fucker took robin and the kids" I say and billy looked shocked and so didn't the others. Gwen and Finney take us outside and Finney drove us home.

      I see cop cars and I get out the moment we stop and a cop grabs me as I tried to run inside. "Ma'am we are going to need you to say out here." The cop says.

    I see Vance and he has tears in his eyes, "VANCE!" I shout crying, Vance comes over and hugs me. "Sir shes Henry's mom." Vance says and Emily comes over and she's crying as well.

  The cops take us to the station to talk but I'm to zoned out to pay attention.

(A/N thanks @haroldluvxx and @iloveeuphoriaash for the ideas☺️)

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