Chapter 28

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                    October 18, 1983

I woke up in a hotel, I shared a room with Gwen while, Katie and Donna slept in the room next to us, which had a door connecting door to ours room.

I got up and showered, Gwen got up since I could hear movement in the room with talking shortly after.

I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. I walked out, "Get dressed!" Donna says excitedly.

I grabbed my dress that was hanging up and put it on.

      (You can change it if you want😁)

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(You can change it if you want😁)

While the others out their dresses on, I sat on the bed while Katie does my hair. "Man I lost my bet." Gwen says.

"What bet?" I ask. "I lost to griffin about who would get married first." Gwen explains.

"Who did you bet on?" Donna asks. "I said you and Finney while he said Y/N and Billy." Gwen says.

"Damn." I say. We all laugh at the dumbness of the conversation. Katie quickly finishs, I look In the mirror.

"Wow!" I say loving it. "Sorry if it's bad." Katie says. "It's gorgeous!" I say and she goes and does Gwen's hair.

After an hour we goes to the hall, my heart starts to beat fast I mean like really fast.

Robin and Vance come up behind me and wrap their arms around my arms. "Are you ready?" Robin asks

"I am I'm just nervous." I say with that the music starts and Gwen walks the flower girl starts to walk outside and toss the flower pedals.

Once she finish's it's my turn so me Vance Robin start walking out.

My heart starts beating so fast it felt like it was going to jump out. Once I got a little farther Donna and Katie follow behind me.

I get to billy who takes my hands. The person speaks (I don't know what their called and I don't want to put a Specific religion.) me and billy say our vows.

"Y/N Arellano, Do you take take William Showalter to be you Lawfully wedded husband?" The person says.

"I do." I say smiling, "Do you William Showalter take Y/N Arellano to be you lawfully wedded Wife?" The person asks.

"I do." Billy reply's smiling back. "You May kiss the bride!" The person says. With that billy wraps his arms around me kisses me, which I place my hands on his cheeks.

Everyone cheers, Billy picks me up bridal style and walks back inside while I'm laughing.

We all dance and have fun I toss the Bouquet of flowers which Donna catch's, then we drink and eat I change into a shorter dress so I don't get the other one dirty.

After an hour or two it's time for cake. Me and billy hold hands as we walk to the cake.

Once me get to the cake Billy slices a piece for me which I take and smear it on his face.

Who take the rest of the piece and smears it on my face Donna takes a picture of us smearing cake on each other.

We are laughing with Everyone else. Donna goes around taking pictures of everything and everyone.

Around 10 we all head home, me and billy go to my room. "Man today was the best day of my life." I say falling onto my bed. "Mine too." Billy says sitting next to me.

Billy kisses me and I kiss him too. I get up and change into my pjs as billy does too. Billy wraps his arms around me from behind me.

Billy starts kissing down my neck. I turn to him and he kisses me. "Jump." He says which I do and he grabs under my thighs.

I place my arms around his neck, he walks over to my bed and lays me down not breaking the kiss. He takes off his shirt and leans back down and kisses me.

He softly pinched my hip causing me to open my mouth which he takes that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in. I lift my shirt and we continue to kiss. Things get heated quickly.
(Did I just rob you? Yes yes I did don't be mad I just don't feel comfortable writing smut.)

   Around 11 at night there is a ring from the phone. I sit up still feeling groggy, I force myself off of my bed and out my door. I ran my hand down the wall trying to find the light switch.

    Unfortunately I didn't so I just walked down the stairs. The phone was ringing on and on, "I'm coming!" I say loudly. I grabbed the house phone, "do you know what time it is!" I say pretty pissed.

    "Hello Y/N long time no see?" A voice says, It take me a while to register who it is. "Who is this?" I ask knowing who it is but unsure if it's my mind playing tricks on me.

    "You know who it is." The voice says one last time. "I thought we killed you!" I shout. I start to panic.

    "I saw your little wedding, it wouldn't have happened if little Billy boy had died." Albert taunted. "Yeah well he didn't!" I say remembering what happened which caused my breathing to pick up.

     "Don't worry I'm not coming for you guys." He says and hangs up. I grab my shoes and put them on I run upstairs and wake everyone. "He's alive! ALBERT IS A ALIVE!" I shout.

    Their eyes widened and we ran out and spilt up into groups of two me and billy and Vance and Robin.We leave and take off in different directions. We get to the Blake's and I bang hard on the door.

    Mr. Blake opened angrily, "is Finney or Gwen here!?" I ask panicked but he just stares at me blankly. So me being anxious just pushed him aside and ran to Finney's room and saw.....

(Hey everyone what should be my next book?)

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