Chapter 33

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I woke up and got up and went into the bathroom and took a shower. I was washing my hair when The door opened. I peeked my head out to see billy.

"Good morning, mi amor." I say and he smiles. He strips and joins me in the shower. He leans down and kisses me.

I kiss back, he wrapped his arms around my bare waist and I placed my hands on his cheeks as we kissed.

Then there was a knock on the door. We pulled apart, "who is it?" I asked "it's me! Henry!" Henry says.

"What do you need mijo?" I ask. "I had a nightmare." He says. I get out and dry my hair and wrap a towel around my waist.

I open the door and bend down so I was eye level to him. "What's happened mijo?" I asked "I saw him!" He says crying.

I hugged him, "how about you go down stairs and watch tv kiddo?" Billy says.

Henry runs down stairs and I heard the tv turn on and I go to my room with Billy and we changed.

I walk down stairs and cook some pancakes. I hand everyone their servings, "mamá." I say and mamá looks up, "yes Mija?" She says

"I wanted to tell you me and Billy are going to adopt Henry." I blurted out and she look at me and billy shocked.

"Good, I'll have a awesome Nieto." She says smiling. "IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" Vance and Robin shout.

Me and billy laugh and I take everyone's plates and Robin helps me wash them. As Vance and Billy play around with Henry.

"Im going to be an uncle." Robin sung. "Yes now dry this dishes." I say and nudge him.

"Fine." He complains. Billy comes over and wraps his arms around my waist. "Cut that romance stuff." Robin says

"Oh shut up you wish it was you and Katie." I say and Billy agrees.

"CAN I SHOW THE KIDDO HOW TO PLAY PINBALL?" Vance shouts from the other room.

I look at Billy and he nods, "YES JUST DON'T GET INTO ANY FIGHTS!" I shout "I WON'T UNLESS SOMEONE STARTS IT!" Vance shouts.

I roll my eyes, and I hear the boys runs upstairs to change. We finish the dinner and sit down in the living room.

Then they come back down after a few minutes. "Bye mommy's and daddy!" Henry says and hugs us.

I smile at his words and so doesn't Billy. "We will see you later Mijo." I say.

"Yup and then we will get ice cream Buddy." Billy says. "Can I come?" Robin asks Vance who nods.

The boys leave, "I'm going to see the other parents ." Mamá says, she goes and sees everyone parents since the kidnappings.

I nod and she leaves, "we are all alone." Billy says and then kisses me.

    "Yeah but not for long." I say and kiss his forehead. "Vance is always out for hours and your mom always ends up being out till 10 at night." Billy says.

"Fine. What do you want to do?" I give in. He just smirks and grabs me waist and pulls me closer to him.

He kisses me softly, we pull away after a few seconds. "We can't." I say "we have to go ahead and do the court shit." I explained and he rolls his eyes.

With that we get into the car and go to the lawyers. After a while we are told we can go to court and fight to adopt him.

Me and Billy leave and get into the car. We get home around 5 o'clock and the phone is going off.

    I picked up, "hello is the Ms. Arellano?" The person asked.

   "Uh Which one?" I asked only since I just got married so I wasn't sure who it was.

   "Y/N/M Arellano." The voice asked "No its not its Y/N Arellano well now Y/N Showalter." I says.

    "Okay well let Y/N/M know." The person says. "May I know why?" I ask.

    "Robin Arellano and Vance Arellano have been pick up by the cops." The person says.

    "Oh shit is Henry there!" I ask "uh yeah?" The person says.

"Ok I'll be right there to get my son." I say and hang up. I explain to Billy what happened with that we drive to the station.

"Hi I'm looking for Henry, Robin and Vance." I say to the receptionist.

"Uh Robin Arellano and Vance Arellano?" She asks and I nod. "What about Henry?" I ask.

"Henry is in the waiting room for his parents." She answers and I nod and I head to the waiting room.

I saw Henry and pulled him into a hug. Robin and Vance come out, I assume billy had bailed them out.

I got up and gave them a look.

"there was a asshole who got mad that we were playing pinball all day so I taught him a lesson and Robin tried to break it up and the kid punched him and Robin fought back." Vance explained.

I couldn't keep a straight face, I bursted out into laughter and Vance and Robin gave me a confused look.

"Damn I knew this was going to happen." I said and Billy gave me a 10 dollar bill. I picked Henry up and we walked out.

It was around 6 o'clock and billy ordered pizza so it was on the table and we were eating. Henry cuddled up against me as we ate.

We put on a movie that wasn't two scary for Henry. Once we were done eating Henry had fallen asleep on my lap.

Billy got up and washed the dishes and Vance got up to help him. I shortly fell asleep after that, billy came over and cuddle me.

I assume everyone else went to bed since after 10 minutes billy woke me up and carried Henry up stairs and I walked up stairs.

I fell onto my bed and billy place Henry on one side and then he climbed into the middle and held us both as I fell asleep.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now