Chapter 57

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I woke up at 6 am to henry screaming this is about the 3 time this night. I shot up and pulled him onto my lap and pull him to my chest.

"It's okay Henry, I'm here, mommy's here" I say soothing him. Henry calms down after 10 minutes.

Billy also is up now and he's next to us. I look at Billy and he nods so I get and grab pants and on of Billy's sweaters.

I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I turn on the shower and wait for it to heat up. I went over to the sink and grabbed a new tooth brush and the wetted it with the sink water.

I brush my teeth once I put on the toothpaste. I grab my and and bend down to the sink and open my mouth and the water enters it.

I stand up straight again and swish the water in my mouth. I then spit it out and I look into the mirror.

I felt my eyes my eyes begin to water, as I remember the events of yesterday. I couldn't hold the salty tears back anymore.

Robins ok, he will be ok. I thought to myself trying to make things better. My twin could have died. I would have watched, I didn't do anything! Why didn't I do anything. I thought to myself again.

I take some deep breath, it only helped a little. I took off my pjs and got into the shower. The water was falling hard onto my chest.

I took a step closer to the water, the water begin to hit my face so I lowered it. I then felt the similar feeling I just had a few minutes ago.

I broke down and let the tears fall from my face. I wrapped my arms around myself as I felt a pit in my stomach.

I began to shake as I cried, the water for the shower had mixed with my salty tears. "COME HERE!" Robin said chasing me around the house with frosting on his finger. I remembered.

       I laughed at the memory, I would do anything  right now to go back to that day. I calmed down and started to wash myself.

    When I finished my shower, I got out of the shower and changed into the pants and sweater I brought in with me.

     I felt the fuzzy hoodie touch my bare stomach as I put it on last. I then opened the door and turned off the light and then walked back to my room.

     I see Billy dress and same with Henry, Henry was in Billy's arms as he soothed him. I smiled at Billy when he turned to me.

   I then heard the phone go off, I went downstairs to the phone and answered it. "Hello?" I said, "Hey, I had been calling at you house but you were not there so I called here." Emily said.

      "Anyways I was wondering if Robin was awake." She says. "I'm not sure but we were going to head there." I say as Billy and Henry walked downstairs.

     Henry was still in Billy's arms. "Do you want us to pick you, Jules up?" I ask "yeah." She says.

"Ok then." I say and I look at Billy. "Ok I'll see you soon." Emily says. (I forgot to mention that Emily is a single mom😏)

With that we hung, "are you ready to go?" I asked Billy. "Yup we are ready." Billy says. Billy and I walk out, he puts Henry in he's car seat and I get into the passenger seat.

Mamá and Vance are going to drive in a separate car. I told billy we were picking up Emily and Jules so we went there and then drove to the hospital.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now