Chapter 22

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It was Friday so that meant we had fucking school. Since everyone slept over last night we all changed and head off to school.

Me, Donna, Bruce had study hall. We were all in a group studying. "So you and billy have been dating since we where 14." Donna said as if she just realized that.

"Yeah 3 years." I replied "most people are already married." Bruce says "yeah well some wait 5 plus we are only 17." I say and roll my eyes.

"Well let's not talk about me. Bruce didn't you say a while ago you had a crush." I say changing the subject. "Like hell your going to change the subject." Bruce says.

"I don't wanna talk about marriage." I say. "Fine anyways Donna how's you and Finney doing?" Bruce asks. "We are dating." Donna says. "No shit!" I say.

"Ha ha." Donna said sarcastically, Bruce just laughs. "We, just us and maybe Gwen should have a sleepover." I suggest

"Sure." Bruce says "girls night!" Donna shouts "HUSH!" The teacher says. Bruce rolls his eyes "Donna I ain't a girl." Bruce whispers lowering his head still looking at us.

"Yeah but your." Donna starts "I'm what?" Bruce cuts in. "Your fun!" I cut in "mhm sure." Bruce says, "please will you come!"Me and Donna beg. "Fine." Bruce says and rolls his eyes.

"YES!" Me and Donna say a little to loud. "HUSH!" The teacher says. Me and Donna stop talking and Bruce covers his mouth trying to hold back a laugh.

~Time Skip~

I was walking with everyone. "So Bruce you wanna come to the boy sleepover at my house?" Robin asked "I uh." Bruce stutters "he's coming to my sleepover." I simply say. "Uh for girls?" Vance says.

"Yes." Donna says, "isn't that for girls and he's a boy?" Griffin says. "Yeah but we want our best friend there." I say walking backwards pushing Vance with my finger.

"Yeah well he's not just your best friend." Robin says. "He agreed to come to our sleepover first." Gwen points out.

"I don't care." Finney says. "I dOn'T CaRe." I mock. Finney rolls his eyes, "I'll go to the next boys sleepover." Bruce says trying to stop the argument.

"Good." I say, "why go to some dumb girls cocksucking sleepover?" Vance says. "Your the only cocksucking bitch here." I say and Gwen agrees.

"I don't suck cocks." Vance says glaring at me. "Mhm sure." I say and he rolls his eyes. As we continue to walk until we get to my house.

Robin unlocks the door and we all walked in. I grab Donna who grabs Gwen and Gwen grab Bruce and we all run well we dragged Bruce upstairs into my room.

We run up and I close my door while Donna falls sitting on my bed. Well Gwen sits at my desk and bruce awkwardly sits on the floor. I walk over in between Donna's legs and she begins to play with my hair.

"Why are you so awkward? We all hang out like 24/7." I ask. "I'm the only boy this time." Bruce mumbles.

     "Okays sooo, want me to get one of the other boys?" Gwen asks. Bruce just simplys shakes his head. "Okay then lets paint each other's nails." Donna suggests. We all nod, "what color?" I ask Bruce.

"Uh. Black?" He says unsure of. "Ok." I say and grab the black polish. I starts painting while Donna paints Gwen's nails a light purple. "So Bruce any crush's?" Gwen asks.

Bruce looks up quickly and then back down with his face tinted pink. "Oooo." Donna teases.

       "Shut up." Bruce says turning a darker red. Donna and Gwen continue to tease him, he goes to move his hand "okay leave the boy alone." I say trying to finish up his nails.

"Fine." They say in unison while Gwen begins to paint Donna's nails. "Thanks." Bruce says "anytime." I say "so Y/N." Donna says.

"I'll stop you right there cause that's none of you business." I say knowing what she's going to say. "So you did! Tell me all the details!" Donna says. "I will not tell you how a make out session went!" I exclaim

Bruce's jaw drops and Gwen looks shocked. "Tell me!" Donna says and the others agree. "No!" I say and we hear the boys yelling and laughing. We all give each other confused looks, I point to the door and get up and walk out.

"How did you do this?" I hear Finney says. "Yeah how?" Griffin says after. "You know how I wasn't at lunch." Robin says, then there was silence so I assumed they nodded.

"I put the old baby monitor in her room." Robin says. "Now tell us Billy how did you manage to make out with my sister without me knowing?" Robin questions.

I ran back into my room quietly, "Can you guys come with me to get some snacks?" I ask Donna, Gwen, and Bruce, and they nod.

We walked out of my room and out the front door. "I thought you already had snacks?" Gwen said and the other agreed. "I do, but the boys put a baby monitor in my room." I said and they all stopped walking.

"THEY DID WHAT!" They exclaimed in unison. With that the Bruce and Donna grab under my arm and grab me, while I was facing the opposite way. Gwen right infront of me.

They let go of me when we get to Robins door. "Wait." I whisper and they all look at me. "Let's trick them!" I whisper and they agree.

We walk back down and sit down and find where the monitor is. "So Donna have you and Finney made out yet?" I asked "maybe." Donna says as we tried not to laugh.

"So you have!" Bruce says excitedly. "Okay but on a serious note have any of you gone further then make out?" Gwen asks.

"Depends on which boyfriend your asking about." I say trying not to burst out into laughter. With that Robin and the others come bursting in. "YOU HAD SEX!?" Vance shouts, "YOU HAD ANOTHER BOYFRIEND!?" Robin shouts, while billy looks hurt.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and I burst out laughing and fall onto my back. Gwen, Donna, and Bruce burst out in laughing aswell.

The others look confused, "I've only had one boyfriend." I say red from laughing. They look at each other. I get up and grab the monitor and toss it to Robin which he caught.

"How?" Robin says confused, "oh I don't know the yelling? O! I did go to you door and listen to you guys." I say smirking. "You listened to our conversation!?" Vance exclaimed.

"You listened to mine first!" I say and they look down. "Sorry." They say in unison. Griffin comes over and hugs me which I return. "To be honest we don't really care." Gwen says and we nod.

"Oh." They say, billy comes over and hugs me to which I wrap on of my hands around him with my other around griffin.

Billy kisses me and with that they all leave and Gwen, Donna, and Bruce were teasing me. I had to remind them that we've been together for 3 years.

After a few hours we go to bed. I couldn't sleep and I was tossing and turning so I got up to go to billy. I walk out quietly and turn and shut my door.

I turn around to see billy right behind me. "Hi." I whispered "sorry, I came to see you I couldn't sleep." He whispered and I smiled. "I was thinking the same thing." I said and we kissed.

         "We can't sleep in my room." I whispered "we can sleep on the couch." He whispers and we walk down my stairs and lay on the couch.

         Billy looks down and kisses me softly and I obviously kiss back. We kiss for a moment and then I lay my head on Billy's chest and hear his heartbeat which lulls me to sleep.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now