Chapter 38

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A few days later so it's Saturday.

" Y/N?" someone shouted. "Up here!" I shouts back, "okay." They shout but more clear on who it was. Donna and Gwen climb up the ladder and sat down next to me.

"So it's finally happening?" Gwen says sadly. "Hey, it's ok I'll be right down the road from you. Plus we'll still hang out." I say placing my hand on her shoulders and I had a sad smiled.

"I know but it's not going to be the same, like when you were 13 and I was 12." Gwen says on the verge of tears. "We all will still hang out." Donna says.

     "Yeah but I don't want anything to change." Gwen says as tears fall down her face.

   "Hey, hey it's okay if you want you can stay with me and billy anytime." I say.

        I hug Gwen and she hugs me back and Donna joins in on the hug. "Let's get my stuff down from here." I say and we all laugh

We continue to pass the boxes down till we are done. Once we're done I climb down the ladder. "So this is what it feels like to move out." I say and Gwen laughs while Donna shakes her head as she chuckles.

    "Man I can't wait till I move out." Gwen says and I chuckled. "Well you can stay with me for a month." I say and nudge Gwen's shoulder. Gwen laughs

    Gwen laughs "Man the one of the Arellano twins have moved out." Vance says coming up behind us placing his arms around me and Gwen. Gwen and I screams when he spoke while Donna laughed.

     "Your such an asshole." Gwen says causing Vance to laugh.

     Around about 10 am, Henry's up and the car is pack with bags. I'm next to mamá as I wait for the boys to come down.

    "Mija I'm so proud of you." Mamá says. I smile and hug her, tears threatened to fall out. Mamá was already crying, "thank you mamá, for everything." I say which caused her to hug me tighter.

"Come on now let's start to move you stuff to the car." Mamá says. We walk out and the others are there.

    "You know I knew this day would come but not so soon." Robin says almost in tears. "Yeah, I know." I say sadly with a half way smile.

"You know you took me in 5 years ago, and you've been like a sister to me for about 7 years. And damn this shit fucking hurt." Vance says and I hug him and Robin.

"I have something for you guys." I say pulling away from the hug. They gave me a confused look. I pull out the two small box's and hand it to them.

     They open the box and see two rings that match but there is one ring missing. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the third ring.

     "Matching rings." Robin says, "no shit." Vance says which causes Mamá to hit the back of his head. I hug the others and then walk over to the car, "bye!" I say, "Bye!" They say in unison.

      I enter the car while Billy and Henry were already there. We drive away and we wave them good bye.

We arrive at the house after 10 minutes. We unpack the stuff we already had and set up a mattress and blankets to sleep on.

We ordered out and watched movies until it was time for bed. We all fell asleep around 10 pm, Henry fell asleep in the middle of us.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now