Chapter 50

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                          (A month later)

         I'm now 11 weeks pregnant and me and billy are planning on telling everyone I'm pregnant. We called everyone and told them that we want to have a big dinner at my house.

      I'm wearing a tank top that showed my small baby bump. I just arrived at the grocery store so I parked the car.

     "We are here mijo." I say to Henry as I unbuckled my seatbealt. I got out and then opened Henry's door and unbuckled him.

     I picked him up and he placed his head on my shoulder. "Tired mijo?" I ask and he nods. I carry him until I got a basket and placed him in.

    I start pushing the cart and looking around the store. I get Y/F/F(favorite food), I get all the ingredients and go to the check out.

   Once I pay for everything we leave, I buckle Henry up and then get in myself. After a second I drive off and head home.

    I pull into the driveway and park. I get out and unbuckled Henry and he helps me carry the groceries inside and Billy comes rushing over and takes the groceries from my arms.

     "I'm not 9 months pregnant yet." I say and roll my eyes. "I don't know, last time you said you weren't pregnant and you were." He says in a matter of fact voice.

     "Don't get smart with me!" I say and he laughs. I help Henry with the bag he took, then we unpack the bags.

    "Y/N is Vance going to kill me?" Billy asks "why would he we are married." I say and take
Y/F/C(your favorite candy) and unwrap the it and start eating it.

    I start to set up the stuff I need to cook Y/F/F and Henry and Billy help me cook. As we cooked we made a mess while cooking since Henry kept spilling some ingredients.

    Then I started baking cooks and the boys helped me cook. I made the 2 batches and put them in the oven.

   I put some of the dough on Henry's nose and he laughs and took some and put it on my cheek. We start to mess around and put Dough on each other.

    Henry goes to run away but Billy grabs him and I put more dough on his face. Billy buts Henry down and he runs and Billy chases him.

   I grab my camera and start taking pictures of them laughing. Then Billy comes after me with dough and I place my camera down. "Billy no! No!" I shout and Henry takes pictures of us.

     We all goof around for a little longer until we have to clean up. I begin cleaning the floor, as the Billy washes the dish's, and Henry cleans the counters.

    Once we were done, we sit down and after 10 minutes the timer goes off so I get up and take the cookies out.

I let them cool and then place them onto plates. Then the doorbell goes off and Billy goes and answers it.

"Hi." I hear Robin say, "Hi welcome!" Billy says. Then I hear Vance say hi and Bruce. I walk out and see them and greet them then I hug them.

"Now you look like a mom." Vance says "no shit I've been in the kitchen all day!" I say and laugh.

Vance also laughs and we all sit down at the dining table, then the door rings again and the other show up.

    Everyone sits down, "so what do you need to talk about?" Griffin asks. "What?" I ask "you always ask to meet up if you want to talk about something." Gwen points out.

   "Well Um." I try and find the words, Billy grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. "Im pregnant?" I say nervously.

    "No shit" Vance says and Bruce nudges him. "IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE AGAIN?" Robin shouts.


    Gwen looks at Griffin and they laugh, "what's so funny?" Finney asks. "We know what they did one night." Gwen says and I looked at her shocked.

    Billy's trying not to laugh, Donna stopped taking a sip of her drink, Vance stopped talk to Bruce and they both looked at her, Robin try's not to laugh, well Finney just has his mouth open.

    "What?" Griffin asks, I look down and take a bit of the food. We all eat in silence for a few minutes until Robin and Billy burst out into laughter.

    Henry looked confused, but he continued to eat. we all then laugh and then continue to joke and eat.

    When it was around 6 we all watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre, well Jules came over and hung out with Henry so they were in the other room.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now