Chapter 27

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    I woke up to people jumping on my bed, I open my eyes and so does billy and we see Gwen and Griffin jumping on my bed I assume Finney and Donna went home early. "Man I would think you guys where 8." I say

     "Oh hush you guys won't wake up when we yelled up to you." Gwen says. "Anyone I can bet on?" I ask "Bruce and Vance?" Griffin asks. "Eh. Maybe." Billy says.

    "I say 40 bucks that they will get together." I say placing two 20s down.

     "I think they won't." Griffin says, "nah I don't either." Billy says and Gwen agrees with them and they all place two 20s.

       "Wait until you lose." I say.

       "VANCE!" I shout "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT." Vance shouts back. "NOTHING!" I shout back and the others look confused. "Oh my god, he has someone over probably Bruce who is always over." I explained

       With that we get up, and walk to Vance's room. I open the door quickly to see Bruce playing with Vances hair. "And I just won 120 bucks." I say.

     "how?" Bruce questions "a bet with you two." I say and everyone hands me their 40s. "But we aren't fucking dating?"  Vance says.

     "Yeah but you don't let anyone touch you hair and you don't usually hang out with anyone as much as you do with Bruce." I say.

    "Well we aren't dating." Vance says "Bullshit you didn't swear in that sentence so it's a lie." Robin says appearing out of no where.

I jump hearing Robin speak, "really Robin you had to come out of nowhere!" I say "I came from my room." Robin says sarcastically.

"Go back to fucking Katie." Vance says. "Vance remember when you said you'd never suck cock?" Gwen says and Vances eyes widened at Gwen's words.

"Yeah?" Vance says cautiously, "well Bruce changed that." Gwen says, and they both become red.

Which we all laugh, "It's fine if you are gay no one here really cares about what gender you decide to fuck." I say and we all walk out and walk to my room.

we all just sit in a circle and talk until Gwen and griffin head home. Griffin being 16 drives Gwen home.

Me and billy continue to talk until he leans in and kisses me. Of course I kiss him back, I place my hands on his cheeks.

        He pulls me onto his lap with out breaking the kiss, then he places his hands around my waist. Billy leaves my lips and kisses/sucks down my necks while biting a little.

    Then like always there's a knock on the door. I get off Billy's lap and walks over to my door and open it.

      "Y/N I-" Robin starts but stops and looks down. "Oh sorry I'll leave you two alone." Robin says smirking. "Uh ok?" I say confused as Billy starts laughing.

      "What?" I say turning and looking at him. "You- uh- I gave you a hickey." He says laughing.

    "YOU WHAT!?" I shout and run over to my mirror. Me and Billy have made out before but he hasn't ever given me a hickey.

    "BILLY!" I say while softly laughing. "You at as if you didn't enjoy it." Billy says, I just roll my eyes and go to him and sit on his lap.

      We don't make out, I dig my head into the crook of his neck while smiling. He places his hands on my butt and slowly moves back so his back is on the wall.

     At five I hear a voice, "Y/N, BILLY, ROBIN, VANCE DINNER!" Mamá shouts. So I get up and Billy follows, we walk into the dining room and sit down next to each other.

    Robin sits at the end while Katie pulls a chair next to him, mamá at the other end and we have plates filled with food. Vance and Bruce come down and sits in front of me and billy.

       I look at Bruce, and we make eye contact. Something catch's my eye. I look down and see a hickey and I quickly cover my mouth trying not to laugh and everyone looks at me.

      Bruce looks down then at Vance, and try's to cover it with his shirt. "Are you cold!" Vance quickly says. He gets up and grabs and wraps it around Bruce covering the hickey.

     It's to late though everyone already saw it, Bruce looks at my neck and whispers to Vance how whispers to Robin.

     I move my shirt to cover it, I look at Katie who had make up some what covering a hickey. That when I burst out into to laughter. "¿Todos ustedes tuvieron sexo?" Mamá says
  (did all of you have sex)

     "No mamá!" We all shout, I take it as Billy understood what was said and laughs. "Not yet." Billy whispers into my ear causing me to turn red, which causes him to laugh again.

     We all ate and we when to bed this time I fell asleep on my side and billy did too and wrapped his arm around me.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now