Chapter 35

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I woke up around 5:40 remembering that I had to go to school. Yes I know I'm married and have a kid but hey who cares.

    I got up and grabbed my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and changed then brushed my teeth.

    As I had finished brushing my teeth Billy came in and slide his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder as i pat my mouth with a towel.

   "Good morning love." He said with his morning voice. "Good morning mi amor." I say and kiss his cheek.

He lets go and I walk out and cook breakfast. Billy comes walking down in a white shirt with a red jacket that looked like the one he had went we were 13.

Damn now that I look back at it has been 5 years since we were 13. He had his iconic stupid smile which I roll my eyes at.

He comes over and kisses my cheek, "miss me?" He asks. "Yeah I did, we haven't seen each other for 8 years." I say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes and grabs a cup of coffee.

Robin comes down with his iconic bandanna, "Good morning N/N" Robin says.

  "Good morning Bandanna." I say and he rolls his eyes as he grabs a plate of food. As Billy begins drinking his coffee.

     Vance comes down shortly after in his usual outfit. "Good mor-" I start. "Fuck off." He says.

    "Damn did Bruce not give you a good blow?" I say and Billy choke on his coffee and Robin stops chewing his food.

     "WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" Vance shouts grabbing a plate of food. Bruce comes walking down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

     "What's with the yelling?" Bruce asks. "We were just talking abo-"I start until I get rudely cut off. "NOTHING!" Vance shouts.

    Due to Vances shouting henry comes down in his pjs. "What's happening?" Henry asks "nothing." I say.

    Henry goes to billy and Billy lifts him up and puts him on his lap. I place a plate in front Henry so he can eat before he has school.

I grab my plate and sit down and eat. "So you and Katie?" I asked. "I caught her making out with another guy." Robin simply said shrugging.

"Oh." I say "well let's pass this year and then go to college and never look back." I say and he rolls his eyes jokingly.

Like we used too we all walk to the Blake's and Finney, Gwen, Donna, and Griffen are waiting on us.

We walk to the elementary joking and laughing as Henry held me and Billy's hands. He would speed up then stop lifting he's feet and we would swing him.

He would giggle, while me and billy laughed and the other let out chuckles. Once we got to the elementary we all stopped and Henry was in front of us.

He look scared so I bent down and so did Billy. "It's okay kiddo." Billy says and ruffles his hair. "But what if no one want to play with me?" He says.

"They will trust me, I remember when I was your age." I say. With that he nodded and I kissed his forehead and he ran into the building as the teacher greeted him.

"Do you actually remember when you were his age?" Finney asked "hell no! I just said that so he would be brave." I said and we walked to school.

At math class which I had with Robin and Finney. They both were writing notes and giggling like they were 13 year olds.

"Is there anything you would like to share with the class?" Our teacher asked. "No sir!" They both replied quickly.

The teacher just rolled his eyes and took the note and threw it away. I re-put my focus back onto my notes.

I feel something hit the back of my head which I quickly turn around and saw Finney and Robin trying not to laugh.

Finney points at the paper on the floor that I pick up. I hid it under my desk and read it.

Do you understand this crap or are you thinking about Billy?

I doubt Finney wrote this, I just simply give them the finger though, I then write back.

Fuck off

Then throw it back at them, and then Finney throws one back.

Ouch that's how you respond to the lovely comment?

I roll my eyes and reply.

Yeah especially to a punching bag

I throw it back at them and we continue to throw them back and forth with out getting caught.

Class ends and I go to the rest of my classes till it's time to leave.

We all leave and walk to pick up Henry who was excited to see us. He runs over and hugs me and Billy which we hug back.

Billy picks him up and we walk back to the house laughing and smiling as Henry told us how his day went.

We got back home and we sat down and I turned on the tv so Henry could watch a Mickey Mouse cartoon after he changed into his pjs as me and the others did our homework.

After we finished everyone went home except Bruce and Billy. I was cooking dinner as the others put away their homework.

Then there's a ring from the phone, I pick it up so it doesn't disturb the others. "Hello?" I say "Hey Y/N it's Katie." Katie says.

It was kinda weird since Robin told me what happened. "I'm calling for Robin, is he home?" She asks.

"Uh let me check." I say not knowing if he want to talk to her or not. I place the down and walk over to him.

"Hey Robin? Katie's on the phone." I say. "Ok I'll get it I guess." He says walking to the phone and talks to her.

I go back to cooking as Robin begins to raise his voice. I done cooking and I put them on plates.

I walk over to robin and he looks down at me with a tear stained face with tears falling down.

"Want me to talk to her while you eat?" I suggested. He just shrugs and hands me the phone.

I take it and answer it. "Hey um katie he has to go." I say and she just sighs and hangs up. We all eat in silence until Henry speaks.

"I can't wait until tomorrow!" He says full of excitement. "Why?" I say smiling. "I can play with my new friends!" He says and we all laugh and so does he.

We had been working on Henry's bedroom which now has a bed, dresser, and a lamp. It now around 8, "time for bed mijo." I say and he complains.

"I thought you wanted to go to school?" I say "I do!" He says.

"then go to bed so tomorrow can come." I say and he runs to his bedroom. I get up and follow him and tuck him in and place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Then I walk back to the living room seeing Vance and Bruce doing dishes while flirting. Which I'm shocked Vance could flirt.

I walk up stair and see billy laying down, I change into my pjs and the lay back down next to him.

I cuddle up next to him and let darkness take over my body.

(A/N: I just wanted to let everyone know that I changed Henry's age to 6 turning 7 in a few months. I thought that it would make more sense for the story.)

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