Chapter 2

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When I woke up and billy was up just running his finger up and down my leg. He kissed it every now and then. I started to play with his hair and he looked up at me. "Good morning." He said and smiled.

     "Good morning." I say and mess up his hair. I sit up and he did to. He kissed me and I kissed back. We pulled away after a few seconds, I looked and saw that everyone else was asleep.

    I got up and so did Billy. "Paperboy wanna go get everyone breakfast?" I asked and he nodded and we got up and changed I put bandages in my boots. I always wear boots and keep bandages In them since the kidnappings.

    I wrote a note letting everyone know where we were.  Me and Billy headed to my car which I had driven there yesterday. "I'll be driving." Billy says grabbing my keys. "But I want to!" I say fake pouting.

     "To bad love." He says and kisses my cheek and walks over to the driver side and gets in. I get in the passenger side. We drive off and go to the breakfast place and order.

      "I can't believe i'm seventeen and in love." I say laying my head back on his chest while he's behind me. "Well it's going to stay that way." He says and kisses my forehead.

    A few seconds later the waitress comes back and hands us the food in a box's and we pay and leave the woman a tip. "Thank you!" We say to the waitress and walk out.

   Billy drives us back and we walk only a few minutes into the woods and we see the cabin and enter. "AYE THERE BACK!" Bruce shouts.  We hand them their food and me and billy have ours and we all eat and we sit on the couch.

     We split some food, "so did you guys fuck while you went to get food?" Vance asked "No you fucking ass!" I say laughing, "I'm not an ass and good your still a virgin." Vance says.

   "And I'm not the only one, plus Virgins always live in horror movies." I say finishing my food and placing my plate on the coffee table and cuddled up to billy.

     "Well we aren't in a horror movie." Bruce says. "Not that we know of." I say moving my eyebrows up and down. "Let's just head home." Gwen says. "Oh fuck!" I say "what?" Griffin asks.

    "I forgot I had a fucking test tomorrow." I say and with that everyone get ready and we leave and I drop them off at home.

    Me Vance and Robin all head to our rooms. Mom turned the upstairs office into a bedroom for Vance. I changed into my pjs and looked outside. I felt my eyes grow heavy.

    I hadn't really been sleeping I've been have a bad feeling. I also have been having nightmares about being in that filthy basement again. I saw billy outside, I opened my window and he climbed up. He got in my room and then kissed me.

   We laid in my bed and we cuddled, we had been doing this for a while. After the grabber had taken us I had nightmares and once me and billy had started dating he'd come over and cuddle with me until we fell asleep which is what we did today.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now