Chapter 10

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I woke up on my side with an arm around me, the person was cuddling me. I could tell it was Billy.

    I go to get up and he pull me back down so I just laid there for a few minutes thinking about my dream. If the other dream came true then this one would.

The door began to open, I got up quickly and so did the others. Billy just laid there still asleep, "good morning." Shaw said lowly as he began to walk over to Billy.

"Back up." I say standing in front of billy. He just grabbed me by my arm and tosses me to the ground. "I do as I please." He says a hits me with the belt and walks out the room.

I felt tears threaten to leave my eyes. Robin came over and hugs me, he rocks us back and forth. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore I just cried.

I was in pain from the event from a few nights ago, as well as last nights events. I had cuts and bruises all I wanted was to have this nightmare end. But in reality it never does it just follows you like a predator staking it's pray.

"Fucking bitch" I mumbled. Bruce came over and sat next to me and the others follow creating a circle, "I'm sorry" Bruce apologizes. "About what?" I say with a tear stained face. "I held you back last night." He explains "you did it so I wouldn't get hurt." I said and hugged him.

Then there was a click noise and we all turned to face where it came from. It was the fucking door. We all looked at each other and the back at the door.

"We learn the first fucking time!" Vance shouts at the door. "It's not like the first time." I mumbled. The door then opened, Shaw entered holding his belt.

"Fuck it's not like the first time." I said and everyone looked at me. I began to back and out of Bruces arms.

Shaw then took Vance by his arm, of course Vance fought but in reality how is a teen boy supposed to take a grown man.

I got up and walked over and tried to release Vance from Shaws grip. All he did was toss me off, he then tossed Vance down on the opposite side of me.

    If I wanted the dream to go as plan I couldn't let anyone else get hurt. Shaw took off his belt and when to go strike at Vance.

    "STOP!" I shouted and Shaw looked at me. "Don't hurt him! I'll take his punishment!" I say begging.

     Shaw just kicked Vance and walked over to me and hit me over and over with the Fucking belt. Everyone was staring as I tried not to cry. Robin had tears in his eyes and Billy had been woken up by me when I begged Shaw not to hurt Vance.

      I knew it would end soon so I didn't   
                  scream but I did cry

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now