Chapter 49

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    I awake to the bed being jumped on. My eyes open and I see Henry jumping up and down and Billy was walking into the room.

      Billy then scoops up Henry and starts tickling him. They are both laughing and smiling,
"D-DADDY S-STOP!" Henry shouts and I smile at them getting along I look to the clock and see that it's 11.

       I begin laughing as they played and Billy spun around with Henry in his arms. "Alright let's go into the living so mommy can change." Billy says putting Henry down.

    With that Henry runs out, I get up and billy pulls me into a kiss "good morning love." He says. He then bend down to my belly and lifts my shirt and placed his hands on each sides of my bell and kisses it.

    "Good morning my stars." Billy says, I smile at the nicknames he gave them. Billy then stands straight and wraps his arms around my waist.

   He kisses me one more time, "I'm going to make breakfast today." Billy says.

    "Ok but I just wanted to let you know Jules is coming over." I say and he nodded and left. I got changed and then went down stairs.

      I saw Henry helping Billy cook, Henry turned and saw me. "MOMMY!" Henry shouted and ran over to me and hugged me.

     "Good morning mijo." I say and smiled and then dragged me to help them cook.

      Once we were done eating the door bell goes off. I get up and open the door to see Jules at the door and her mom just drove off.

      "Hey Jules!" I say happily, "Hi Mrs. Showalter!" She says full of energy. "You can call me Y/N if you want Jules." I say smiling and she nods, I shut the door and lock it.

      Henry comes running over and he hugs her tightly. I see her hug him back then they run off into living and I hear the tv go on.

      I walk over to the kitchen to help Billy with the dishes. "I got to run into work today." Billy says, "ok but be here for dinner." I say and I cup my and and fill it with water and splash Billy.

     "HEY!" Billy shouted, he then splashed me with a little water. I laugh and so does he, we then finished the dishes.

     I walk into the living room and sat down on the couch while Jules and Henry sat on the floor to be closer to the tv.

     It reminded me when I was younger and I would stay at the Blake's and watch tv with Finney and Gwen.

I saw Billy come down the stair and he came over and kissed me. "I have to go, love you." He says as he walked over to Henry and kissed his cheek.

Then he walk to Jules and messed up her hair, "Bye kiddos." He said and walked out the door. The kids went back to watching tv, and then the door bell went off.

I got up and opened the door to see Robin there. "Hey Ro." I say and he hugs me tightly.
"What wrong Robin?" I asked since I had a bad feeling.

       "Katie came over and said you got into an accident!" Robin says, "I wasn't sure and I came right here and-" Robin rambled.

     "Robin I'm fine I've been with Jules and Henry all morning." I cut him off and then we pulled away from the hug.

"I take it as Katie didn't listen to me." I say and robin nods slowly. "I'll deal with her later." I say and walk robin in to the living room as the kids watched a movies.

"Remember the time mom brought us to the ice skating rank?" I asked, "yeah I also remember you not giving up until you got the hang of it." Robin says smiling.

"You weren't getting into fights at that time." I say and he smiles, "yeah will I kinda wished that I beat Mattys ass when he followed you and Finn into the bathroom." Robin says.

"Yeah well you hands were probably hurting from when you punched moose so many times." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"yeah well he didn't have the right to say any of the stuff he said." Robin says, "ok well I was at the store with vance as he played pinball one day and let's just say Matty bumped into his game and we'll you know what happened." I say

Robin laughed and so did I, "so how's vance?" I asked, "eh hes still getting into fight." Robin says and I laugh. "Vance will be Vance." I say.

Robin stayed for 5 hours, he then said he's walking home so I offered to drive him home and he nodded.

I got up and Henry and Jules got up too. Jules mom called an hour ago and asked if she could sleep over and I said she could.

The two kids grabbed my hands and we walked out, I buckled Henry into he's car seat and Jules in the extra one we had.

I get into the drivers seat and robin gets into the passenger seat. Once we get to the house Robin gets out, "bye N/N." Robin says and I smile.

     "Bye Ro." I say I wait until Robin gets into the house and I look to the back and see the two kids playing a hand game.

    I start to drive off  "WHO WANTS ICE CREAM?" I shout. "ME!" They both shout back.

    I go by the house and see that Billy's car I ain't the drive way. I get out and drag Billy out of the house and into the passenger seat.

    I get into the driver seat and drive to the ice cream place and we order our ice cream. We get into the car and I drive while eating the ice cream.

     Once we got home Billy ordered a pizza and we waited for the pizza. And the night went on from there

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now